2021-09-22 10:18:36當前世界正迫切需要具全球健康專業訓練的人才, 南加大全球醫學碩士課程 (MS in
Global Medicine) 透過來自不同臨床背景的教授們, 結合扎實的醫學基礎與跨學科的醫
療保健方法, 為未來的醫療保健專業人員提供因應全球醫學挑戰所需的知識與技能.
有興趣進一步了解課程內容的朋友們, 歡迎報名參加.
全球醫學碩士課程說明會 USC Glpbal Medicine virtual info. Session
* 時間: (台) 10/8 (五) 8 am
* 長度: 45 分鐘
* 報名 & 更多訊息:
* 一年碩士課程, 32 學分, 可根據個人興趣與目標, 從三項專業學術路徑擇一專攻
* 官網: https://msgm.usc.edu/
Meet Global Medicine (GM) representatives to learn more about what the GM
program offers those interested in worldwide health issues and how our
program prepares students to be leaders in health professions and beyond.
The M.S. in Global Medicine program:
- Equips future healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills
necessary to solve worldwide health issues.
- Delivers individualized advising tailored to students’ specific education
and career goals.
- Offers unparalleled access to faculty who are practicing clinicians.
- Offers study abroad electives in clinical medicine and healthcare systems.
- Supports a vibrant student community that engages in volunteerism and
social activities.
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臉書粉專 "USC Taiwan 南加大台灣專頁" - https://www.facebook.com/USC.TW/
Instagram “usc_taiwanoffice” - https://www.instagram.com/usc_taiwanoffice/
官網 - http://taipei.usc.edu/