※ 引述《chemstaryur (小豪)》之銘言:
: 但如果遇到外國人時
: 對方如果問你是哪裡來的?
: 要說
: "From Taiwan"
: 還是"From R.O.C."?
: 那如果兩個都講了
: 造成外國人弄糊塗了
: 要怎跟外國人解釋R.O.C.和Taiwan的關係
: 有八卦嗎?
1. Some Chinese losers stole Taiwan from the Japanese government,
and bring their illegal government called "R.O.C." to Taiwan.
2. They claimed Taiwan is belong to their fucking R.O.C. government.
3. Taiwan used to be the 2nd most modernized area in Asia under
the governance of Japan, but now we are all LOSERS.
4. Fuck China! Fuck KMT!
作者: a5648183 (KL YEH) 2015-07-25 16:06:00
Truman on KMT:"They're all thieves, every damn one of them." Same for 42689.2s, every damn one of them.