llod (so many things)
2014-08-02 22:44:40※ [本文轉錄自 Master_D 看板 #1JtFZV6S ]
作者: llod (so many things) 看板: Master_D
標題: [徵才] 香港中文大學 生物資訊背景博士生/助理
時間: Sat Aug 2 22:42:35 2014
【徵才單位】香港中文大學生命科學學院 鍾思林實驗室
【工作內容】用big data來模擬細胞發育與分化, 撰寫程式與數據分析
【入學日期】申請日期即日起到年底, 入學時間104年8月1日, 確實開始日期以學校
招生時間為準, 有意願者可先來實驗室當 RA
RA 徵才時間不限
【徵才條件】有數學, 統計,或電腦資訊學相關背景
【薪資待遇】TA每月補助約港幣14,000, 約台幣53,900依實際學校公佈為準
意者請與陳韻如研究助理連絡 milkingroom@yahoo.com.tw
檢具個人履歷表(含自傳、研究經歷、附照片), 兩封推薦信, 及碩士論文摘要(如有)
PhD / research assistant positions are available in the Laboratory of Prof.
Zhong, The School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong
Kong. The research project is to use big data and computational biology to
understand how genetic and epigenetic factors (histone modifications and DNA
methylation) regulate gene expression during cell differentiation and tissue
development. More information about the laboratory could be found here
( Highly motivated individuals with strong
background in computer science, mathematics, statistics, population genetics
or even physics are encouraged to apply. Applicants should send their CV and
a cover letter summarizing their experience, research interests and careers
goals to Mrs Yun-ru Chen (milkingroom@yahoo.com.tw).