[情報] 交大資工 - 林盈達老師實驗室

作者: cantdie56 (我愛56)   2016-03-17 23:38:45
對象: 網工所或乙組碩博士班新生
有興趣者請email約面談: ydlin@cs.nctu.edu.tw
可先參考研究總結 (Research Summary) at http://speed.cis.nctu.edu.tw/~ydlin/roadmap.html
1. Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV): OpenFlow Switches/Controllers/Applications
(1) SDN/NFV OAM Solutions: cooperation with Chunghwa Telecom Inc.
(2) NFV Data Centers - Network and Server Load Balancing: cooperation with Mediatek Inc.
(3) ONF Certified Test Lab - Conformance, Interoperability, Performance: cooperation with ONF (Open Networking Foundation) in Palo Alto, California, USA.
(4) SDN/NFV Modeling and Analysis: cooperation with University of Victoria in Wellington, New Zealand
2. 5G Mobile Systems: HetNet (Heterogenous Networks), Small Cells, Femto/Relay, RAN Sharing
(1) RAN Sharing - Architecture, QoS, X-Haul: cooperation with ITRI under European Union H2020.
(2) Femto and Relay Modeling and Analysis: independent research.
3. Network Security: Intrusion/Malware/APT, Mobile Security, Traffic Forensics
(1) Cloud Security: cooperation with University of South Carolina, USA.
(2) IoT (Internet of Things) Security: cooperation with two Taiwanese vendors.
研究風格 (Research Style)
1. 先D後R (先development後research), 題目由系統實作發現的問題找出, 而非看別人論文跟隨, 畢業時兼具產品實作與專利設計之能力.
2. 同時參與系統實作與論文研究兩項工作時, 會領兩份計畫研究助理薪資.
3. 碩士保證兩年畢業, 且在畢業典禮前口試, 實驗室管理自由開放, 只有在進度落後時才要求自我管理實驗室時間, 追上進度.
林盈達 特聘教授, 網頁: http://www.cs.nctu.edu.tw/~ydlin/
1. IEEE Fellow, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, ONF Research Associate
2. 擔任約十個國際期刊編輯: 其中七個為IEEE, 包含IEEE Computer之副主編(Associate Editor-in-Chief)
3. 2002年創立網路測試中心(Network Benchmarking Lab, NBL)並營運至今, NBL有約十名全職工程師及約十名兼職工讀生
4. 著有英文教科書: Computer Networks - An Open Source Approach, McGraw Hills, 2011, www.mhhe.com/lin.
網路測試中心 (Network Benchmarking Lab): An ONF Certified Lab
NBL: http://www.nbl.org.tw

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