OscarJeff (è—術與城市)
2019-07-01 08:24:28UnStumm─德國科隆即興影像與聲響計畫
A Project For Improvised Film & Music
時間 Time/
19:30入場door opens / 20:00開演starts
地點 Venue/
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xingda St., Hsinchu City)
表演者 Performers/
Claudia Schmitz (DE) / 即時影像 live video
Nicola L. Hein (DE) / 吉他 guitar
入場贊助 Donation For Entry/
$300-200 自由定價 Self-pricing Donation
關於表演 About The Performance/
UnStumm跨媒體即興計畫於德國科隆發起,Nicola Hein與Claudia Schmitz近年帶著此計
(感謝 李世揚 提供文字撰寫)
Claudia Schmitz and Nicola L. Hein are an interdisciplinary duo that is
mostly active with their project UnStumm (https://unstumm.com/), involving
several other musicians and video artists.
In their duo programme, they keep on developing a common language with
live-video, paper sculptures and prepared electric guitar. The extension of
the traditional vocabulary of their instruments and media forms a strong
basis which they use to create a conversation of images and sounds in which
silence plays an important role and a defined quality of sound.
Together they toured Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore,
Argentina and Columbia and are now bringing their project UnStumm to Taiwan.
關於表演者 About The Performers/
● Claudia Schmitz (DE)
可能的使用空間、發展內在與外在的影像語言。Claudia Schmitz的許多作品都細膩地處
理與探討「參與」的議題。身為一位活躍的藝術家與教育者,自2005年以VJ COCO HÖHN
(Live-Visual Jockey)之名出道,陸續獲得許多獎項。其作品近年於紐約、布達佩斯、香
她的研究領域是:邊界和障礙 - 流動過程,虛擬和現實空間中的身體話語和身份,重新
與交互性,中介性(基於時間的媒體與繪畫和繪畫的現象學相結合),探索社會 - 城鄉
My work starts where the media intersect. I am not interested in the
modernity of technology as such but in its capacities for creating new
imaginary dimensions.
Claudia Schmitz uses pneumatic sculpture, multidimensional drawing, moving
image and food to explore new forms of sound, space and experience. She
explores boundaries: Limits of perception, real and imagined barriers, liquid
processes, body discourses.
After several semesters of film studies, art history and mathematics in Mainz
and Cologne, Claudia Schmitz studied at the KHM Cologne: diploma in media art.
She is internationally active artist and has received many awards - including
the scholarship for Korea (2017) from the state of Rhineland-Palatinate in
cooperation with the MMCA National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
Seoul and the Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral, Kunst Kommunikation DA
Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst (2017), the Futropolis Prize for the City of
the Future (2014), Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen (2012) und (2014),
AREnschede Artist in Residence, NL (2013) and received the Zontaprize Mainz
In 2019 she will be in South Korea again for 3 months, dedicating her
research to the Inner Korean border and the production of Hanji: Residency
Gyodong Museum of Art, Jeonju. She composed film music and has been working
as VJ (Live-Visual Jockey) under the name COCO HÖHN since 2005, which
influences her engagement with video and space.