The maximum percentage of ownership of the Fund’s equity and financial
interests to be held by the Government of the United States of America and
the decision-making authority of the representatives of the Government of the
United States of America will be to the extent permissible under applicable
United States laws.
(註:Fund 指的是 Reconstruction Investment Fund)
google 翻譯
The Government of Ukraine will contribute to the Fund 50 percent of all
revenues earned from the future monetization of all relevant Ukrainian
Government-owned natural resource assets (whether owned directly or
indirectly by the Ukrainian Government), defined as deposits of minerals,
hydrocarbons, oil, natural gas, and other extractable materials, and other
infrastructure relevant to natural resource assets
google 翻譯
烏克蘭政府提出 50% 的礦產 烴類 石油 天然氣 以及其他可抽取礦產與其他天然資源
基建 "收入" 到這個基金
1. 是收入 revenue 不是利潤 profit
2. 烏克蘭提出礦產收入的 50% 到這基金,而不是這基金的 50% 來自烏克蘭