檔案編號 195 (III)
日期 12 December 1948
2. Declares that there has been established a lawful government
(the Government of the Republic of Korea) having effective control
and jurisdiction over that part of Korea
where the Temporary Commission was able to observe and consult
and in which the great majority of the people of all Korea reside;
that this Government is based on elections
which were a valid expression of the free will of the electorate
of that part of Korea and which were observed by the Temporary Commission;
and that this is the only such Government in Korea.
9. Recommends that Member States other nations, in established their
relations with the Government of the Republic of Korea.
其中2. 所提的 election 乃下面這段歷史
: 1945年12月,莫斯科會議確定一個由蘇聯和美國共同管理朝鮮半島的5年政策。
: 然而,雙方僵持在建立統一政府的問題上。
: 1947年9月,僵持不下的美國將韓國問題提交給聯合國大會。
: 聯大的決議是:在聯合國的監管下,朝鮮半島舉行大選,
: 以此建立一個統一的政府。
: 然而,北部拒絕此決議。最終,大選只在南部進行。
: 1948年5月選出制憲會議。會議通過憲法,大韓民國於法理上建立。
: 1948年8月15日,宣布大韓民國政府成立,取代運作3年的美軍政府。
: On August 15, 1948, the Republic of Korea was formally established,
: with Rhee Syngman as the first president.
: With the establishment of Rhee's government,
: de jure sovereignty also passed into the new government.