我很好奇美國人自己是怎麼看待這件事的, 就google了一下
Sara Olson, St. Paul, United States, 1 day ago
Obviously, Target did nothing wrong here. Target was not negligent. Zero
liability on Target. Target cannot prevent people from littering. Someone
dropped this needle, and they are responsible. Not Target. Plus, the damages
do not match the verdict. Obviously, the jury was made up of idiots. The
matter will be appealed. (I used to handle liability claims for Target when I
worked at Sedgwick.)
Glen Freeman, tewksbury, United States, 2 days ago
I served on a jury and many jurors become important for the first time in
their lives. In the case I served the plaintiff wanted $30,000-which was
fair. Some jurors wanted to give him over $100,000 which was ridiculous!
這個人說自己是陪審團(應該是另一個案子)的人, 那個案子他覺得$30000差不多,
Dead pool, Minneapolis, United States, 2 days ago
So if I go to Target and just happen to see a syringe laying on the ground in
the parking lot and I pick it up and accidentally stick my self with it I can
get 4.6 million?
他說下次他也要去撿一隻針筒來扎一下, 爽賺4.6百萬鎂
DevonDumplin, Devon, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
So why didn't she calmly ask her daughter to hold her hand still and remove
the needle without swatting at it or was it the simple fact the needle
belonged to her mum anyway?
他覺得原告的處理方式很奇怪, 懷疑這個針筒本來就是原告自己的
※ 引述《vanurd (your grace)》之銘言:
: 原文連結
: http://0rz.tw/pSHrf
: 原文如下
: 美國南卡羅萊納州安德森郡一名女子,在平價賣場TARGET的停車場被一根皮下注射針頭扎
: 到,害她要驗愛滋,並立馬服用抗愛滋藥物,因而須臥床。法官日前做出判決,TARGET必
: 須賠償她將近1億5000萬元台幣。
: 這名婦人蓋瑞森(Carla Denise Garrison)前年5月帶女兒到TARGET大賣場購物,女兒在
: 停車場好奇撿起一根來源不明的皮下注射針頭,她揮手要把針頭打掉,結果針頭卻扎進她
: 手掌。蓋瑞森趕緊就醫,擔心感染愛滋,並服用抗愛滋藥物,導致她感到不適,必須臥床
: ,她的丈夫也因此必須向公司請假照顧她。
: 雖然蓋瑞森最後檢驗結果沒有感染愛滋和肝炎,但還是請律師打官司,本來只要TARGET賠
: 1.2萬美元(約38.4萬元台幣),以支付醫療費用和工作損失,但TARGET拒絕,只願賠750
: 美元(約2.4萬元台幣),協商破局後蓋瑞森提起告訴,律師說:「我們試過講道理,但
: TARGET立場非常強硬。」
: 結果法官周四做出判決,決定TARGET應支付懲罰性賠價460萬美元(約1億4720元台幣)。
: 一旦成定局,將是安德森郡最高的官司賠償金。TARGET已表示將提起上訴。蓋瑞森前天表
: 示,這個判決結果讓她「喜出望外」。(張翠蘭/綜合外電報導)
: (本篇圖文由《蘋果日報》提供)