Plaintiffs allege that Defendant Apple Inc. engaged in deceptive trade
practices and false advertising in violation of New York General
Business Law 349 and § 350 when it represented that the iOS 10 and
iOS 11 Updates were compatible with and support iPhone 6s and iPhone 7s.
Specifically, Apple failed to warn iPhone 6 and iPhone 7 owners that
the iOS 10 and iOS 11 Updates could significantly and negatively
interfere with their phones' performance.
To the contrary, Apple specifically touted the increased phone performance
that would result from the iOS 10 and iOS 11 updates. Apple has since
admitted however that, through the iOS 10 and iOS 11 Updates, Apple
deliberately prevents chips in iPhone 6s and iPhone 7s from reaching
their full processing power.
In other words, instead of enhancing the performance of iPhone 6s and
iPhone 7s as Apple represented, the iOS 10 and iOS11 Updates were
designed to limit the devices' performance in certain circumstances.
第四個class action
起訴蘋果宣稱 iOS10/11 的更新會提高效能
349條 誤導性或欺騙性的銷售行爲
350條 虛假廣告