Farewell from Moves
Moves Emailer <[email protected]>
Dear Moves User,
On July 31, 2018, we will be shutting down Moves. This means you won't be
able to log in to the Moves iOS or Android apps after July 30, 2018.
If you would like to save your personal activity history, you'll be able
to access and download your Moves data through July 30, 2018 (instructions
below). This data is private and only accessible to you and the connected
apps you authorized access for. You can manage your connected apps and re-
voke access within your account settings at any time.
Thank you for your support over the years and for being a Moves user.
The Moves Team
How to download your personal activity history
If you have an existing Moves account with email or Facebook login
1. Log in here: https://accounts.moves-app.com/export
2. Select Export Data
If you use the Moves app without a login credential
1. Tap the Moves icon at the bottom right of the app home screen
2. Select Settings, then Account
3. Create an account by selecting Create Account
4. Once creation is complete, check your email to confirm your email add-
5. Log in here: https://accounts.moves-app.com/export
6. Select Export Data
paul4047 (Monsieur)
2018-07-04 08:35:00求推薦類似 可以匯出gpx檔的軟體... 一直以來都是用他來加到相機的相片裡
keiter (因為自在所以輕鬆)
2018-07-04 08:36:00我也收到了 都搭世界迷霧在用的 想問個類似app
l95566 (馬英九下台)
2018-07-04 09:19:00宋拉 垃圾軟體
我的moves每天很勤奮的自動在google行事曆上標記前一天去過的地方~~更正 是 google日曆
phsman (PHS)
2018-07-04 10:48:00google的時間軸 也可以喔
LonyIce (小龍)
2018-07-04 11:08:00早上收到信 也覺得可惜... 還沒那麼準的軟體幫噓的人補推
ethanc (1000)
2018-07-04 11:39:00早上也收到信,之前很喜歡用,不過覺得很耗電,現在改用google時間軸
很喜歡這個app 昨天鬱卒很久XD 找了一個晚上的替代軟體都沒有像他這麼簡潔又準的 真的覺得很可惜Google時間軸有時都沒記錄 不像moves好用 又好編輯噓的人難道又更好的選擇?
作者: sadahalu7071 (定春) 2018-07-05 10:10:00
自從沒更新之後就開始試其他app 感覺都不如它好用難過QQ 卡位等好推薦
作者: kkyell (//) 2018-07-05 23:54:00
真的很喜歡這個app QQ昨天看到mail也是鬱悶了一陣子…
作者: kaishaochen (kaishaochen) 2018-07-06 06:01:00
閃退問題 只要刪除APP再重裝一次就改善幹我剛一查這個APP根本就下架了,要重新下載都不行
作者: weihang0701 2018-07-06 17:02:00
推薦Arc app,目前使用很類似moves