情報來源:Puffin 官網
Puffin Web Browser on iOS, Adieu
In December 2010, we at CloudMosa started Puffin Web Browser, which was an
instant hit. Later, Puffin Academy was launched to help K12 students access
education-related content on iOS devices.
On May 4, we announced that Puffin Web Browser and Puffin Academy on iOS will
be discontinued. The reason is very simple. Development has long ceased since
Apple saw Puffin as a rival and unfairly stopped us from releasing updates
through App Store policies. It has become increasingly difficult to keep up
with new Web technologies without being able to update the iOS apps. We
recognized that the time has come to turn off the service.
For free Puffin Web Browser users, the service will shut down on July 1,
2019. For paid users of Puffin Web Browser, the service will be extended for
a while for you to transition to another solution.
To everyone who used the Puffin Web Browser on iOS: thank you so much. We
will keep the project running on Android. If you have enjoyed the experience
of using Puffin Web Browser and Puffin Academy, please leave us a comment in
the App Store.
免費版將於 2019/07/01 起停止服務