Apple's Shock iPhone Redesign Suddenly Makes Sense
It has become abundantly clear that 2019 is the year to put off your iPhone
upgrade. Apple’s iPhone 11 is the ugliest model in years and the company’s
2020 plans look far more exciting. But now the groundwork for the 2020 leap
has been discovered and its most radical change lies in the iPhone 11.
iphone 11或許是史上最醜的iphone,2020 大改的iphone更讓人興奮。
但iphone 11的內部設計或許為明年的iphone打下基礎
iphone 11內部結構圖
This shocking news comes via hugely popular YouTuber Filip Koroy (aka
EverythingApplePro) who has revealed the first images of the iPhone 11’s new
logic board and it forms the cornerstone of headline changes which will be
seen in iPhones for years to come.
At face value, the alteration seems minor: Apple is moving from the L-shaped
logic board inside both the iPhone X and iPhone XS, to a more compact,
stacked rectangular design. And what the new design enables Apple to do is
fit much larger batteries than the iPhone XS (Koroy states 15-20% larger)
which will drive the leap from 4G to 5G as well as providing the extra
capacity to compensate for reverse wireless charging devices like AirPods.
As Koroy states, “Apple is taking batteries very seriously this year” and
this makes sense. The iPhone 11 will miss out on 5G (among many other things)
but Apple will give it reverse wireless charging and this allows the company
to test the hardware ahead of the big 2020 redesign.
iphone XS MAX電量:3174 mAh
iphone 11 MAX電量:3650 mAh