[情報] Apple Watch的電池是可替換的

作者: implicit (隱)   2015-03-10 20:58:48
一篇MacRumors的文章 http://goo.gl/YaCHor
The Apple Watch Battery Will Be Replaceable
New details are still emerging about the Apple Watch following yesterday's
big "Spring Forward" event in San Francisco, with a new report pointing
to a completely replaceable battery for Apple's new wearable.
這段說明Apple在Spring Forward大會上的一份新的文件指出
Apple Watch的電池是可以替換的
Following the event yesterday, an Apple spokesperson disclosed to
TechCrunch that the Apple Watch "battery is replaceable."
The big missing piece of information of course relating to how much
the process will cost, if it will be done in both Apple's retail stores
and online, and how long it will take.
There's still well over a month to the Watch's launch, so no doubt this
will be another piece of information Apple fills out as the April 24 release
date gets closer. Well, when it comes to the battery at least,
owners of Apple Watch will be able to extend its lifespan.
An Apple spokesman confirmed to TechCrunch the “battery is replaceable”.
Albeit, it’s not clear how much it will cost to send in your wearable to
Apple to get it returned with a new cell in place.
The other potential obsolescence issue relates to the processor.
It’s not clear whether Apple will offer any kind of CPU and/or RAM
upgrade to existing owners. At the time of writing Apple had not responded
to our request for clarification.
Apple是否提供Apple Watch CPU與RAM的升級服務?
There had been much talk over the Watch's battery life leading up to the event,
with Apple yesterday confirming all-day battery life with mixed usage for
the device. This boils down, according to the company, to 90 time checks,
90 notifications, 45 minutes of app use, and a 30-minute workout with music
playback via Bluetooth over the course of 18 hours.
大會上Apple所謂的all-day battery是指
As TechCrunch points out, given the Apple Watch Sport's target audience,
the battery itself may face the most intense usage compared to the other
models, which means its lower entry point makes more sense for yearly, or
bi-yearly, upgrades.
TechCruch指出,Apple Watch Sport這款入門款
(這邊指的是應該是不同的model有不同的target customers)
A large amount of information came out of the Apple event yesterday,
including detailed prices of the numerous versions of the Apple Watch,
specific information on its battery life, and the pricing tiers of the
various bands. The Watch will be available for pre-order April 10 and
launch officially in the United States, Australia, Canada, China, France,
Germany, Hong Kong, Japan and United Kingdom on April 24.
作者: tetani (喵喵)   2015-03-10 21:02:00
防水我也很在意 只有生活防水不太夠
作者: willychn33 (歪力)   2015-03-10 21:20:00
作者: NetKing520 (smell of fresh rain)   2015-03-10 21:36:00
作者: guanting886 (Guanting)   2015-03-10 21:38:00
作者: satou20444 (希當普利斯)   2015-03-10 21:41:00
洗澡戴著錶礙到你了嗎 ?一堆人管人怎麼用的
作者: kiioo (jelly)   2015-03-10 21:42:00
三星gear s手錶(水下可以30分鐘,IP67),如果背後有蘋果mark,一定一堆人吹捧。apple watch如果泡水故障,不知道蘋果要收多少?(看看螢幕...10500...不覺得是設計不良嗎?)
作者: willychn33 (歪力)   2015-03-10 21:53:00
apple watch也是IPX7啊 ==
作者: alwyss (MAI)   2015-03-10 21:56:00
apple watch不防水 反而檢討誰洗澡帶錶XDD
作者: YanYain (炎魔幻武 燄)   2015-03-10 21:59:00
作者: Jerrynet (我愛Hot_game板)   2015-03-10 22:03:00
Apple Watch 是 IPX7,可在水深一公尺處放30分鐘
作者: kiioo (jelly)   2015-03-10 22:19:00
Apple Watch可在水深一公尺處放30分鐘? 請問出處? (Google後未發現)連戴著游泳都不行吧
作者: dorbeetle (有害的煙霧)   2015-03-10 22:26:00
... IPX是一個標準 除非騙人 否則就水中1m 30mins不壞
作者: willychn33 (歪力)   2015-03-10 22:31:00
酸之前都不做功課的 棒棒
作者: Jerrynet (我愛Hot_game板)   2015-03-10 22:46:00
http://www.apple.com/tw/watch/design/ 最下面有寫IPX7很小的字。至於IPX7是什麼意思這個隨便google都有幫截圖: http://i.imgur.com/pSjPLNw.png
作者: louisroger95 (balumota)   2015-03-10 22:50:00
這種可替換跟一般想的不太一樣啊....再說如果連電池都不能換新 那這手錶也太糟糕了
作者: tagheuerfine (蘗琴虛弈)   2015-03-10 23:09:00
純噓某樓 戴勞力士有什麼不能洗澡的prince 系列可能不行 水鬼或防磁或daytona都可以好嗎
作者: implicit (隱)   2015-03-10 23:15:00
結果大家都在戰防水 XDD 下次有看到防水的文我再翻上來
作者: hungys (hungys)   2015-03-10 23:32:00
作者: L0v35 (是零不是歐)   2015-03-10 23:48:00
作者: TsaoCCFGOGO (書唸累時,就算數學吧)   2015-03-11 00:53:00
作者: joiedevivre (難道您鍵盤系? :D)   2015-03-11 03:47:00
可換電池 蘋果公道價2900
作者: devilclot (DISTANCE)   2015-03-11 05:25:00
其實推文提到的跟apple watch規格一樣 都只能算防潑水所謂1m/30min只是靜置 這種等級連進游泳池游泳都無法不要求到30bar那種級別 起碼也要有10bar吧...

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