我希望多一點人打去申訴,訴求很簡單,請Apple在產品外盒註明用14 or 16奈米製程
※ 引述《seldom001 (小綿羊)》之銘言:
: 既然官方已經承認兩個版本有2~3%電力差異,請問可以投訴行政院消費者保護會嗎
: http://www.cpc.ey.gov.tw/
: 小的認為政府應該出面要求Apple在產品外盒註明14奈米or16奈米製造
: 讓消費者有權力決定想買什麼產品
: 否者讓消費者花大錢,卻是抽到電力較差產品,枉顧消費者權益
: 或是政府應該出面規定Apple要讓消費者買到電力較差2~3%產品有退換貨權力
: 或是投訴立委有用嗎?
: 小的不是法律系畢業的,不懂法律,
: 所以才希望消保會出面解釋,
: 如果違法了,就應該糾正Apple標示不明
: 如果Apple行為不違法
: 消保會也該出面說明不違法原因,例如台灣法條未明文規定需在外盒標式產品奈米製程
: ,消保會並應該提醒消費者有可能買到不同製程差異產品,
: 我猜大部分的消費者應該都不知道產品有製程差異的
: 另外,小的認為,Apple也沒公佈它的測試環境、測試條件等,
: 如果公佈的話,一定會有專家真的去測試Apple宣稱的效能是否屬實。
: 既然Apple官方沒公佈測試環境/條件,消費者無法得
: 知其宣稱效能是否屬實,卻又承認製程差異有較差2~3%電力,就應該在產品外盒標示清楚
: 這樣消費者才有選擇的機會,這是消費者該有的權力
: ※ 引述《mmmmmfff (發牢騷!)》之銘言:
: : 原文請跳轉
: : http://www.macrumors.com/2015/10/08/apple-a9-chip-2-3-percent-difference/
: : 全文以及翻譯如下 翻譯有我個人加油添醋的語氣,不喜歡的話請看原文。
: : (其實看第一段就夠了)
: : Over the past several days, a slew of battery tests on the iPhone 6s and the
: : iPhone 6s Plus have revealed some performance differences between
: : models that have an A9 chip manufactured by TSMC and those with an A9
: : chip created by Samsung. While variousbenchmarking and real world usage
: : tests have shown differences of 6 percent to 22 percent, in favor of TSMC
: : chips, Apple says that its own testing has shown battery life variations of
: : only two to three percent.
: : 在過去幾天,有大量兩種版本晶片製成的6s與6s plus的電力測試。
: : 台積電與三星的A9晶片,在多方測試之下,有著6~22%的電力續航力差距。
: : 但是蘋果認為,實際的差異只有2~3%而已。
: : In a statement given to TechCrunch, Apple says that it has done internal
: : testing and gathered customer data to determine the performance difference
: : between the two chips in the iPhones.
: : 在一份給TechCrunch的聲明稿中,蘋果表示經過內部測試以及蒐集了消費者的資料。
: : 兩種晶片的差異已經有了結果。
: : With the Apple-designed A9 chip in your iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus, you are
: : getting the most advanced smartphone chip in the world. Every chip we ship
: : meets Apple's highest standards for providing incredible performance and
: : deliver great battery life, regardless of iPhone 6s capacity, color, or model.
: : Certain manufactured lab tests which run the processors with a continuous
: : heavy workload until the battery depletes are not representative of real-world
: : usage, since they spend an unrealistic amount of time at the highest CPU
: : performance state. It's a misleading way to measure real-world battery life.
: : Our testing and customer data show the actual battery life of the iPhone 6s
: : and iPhone 6s Plus, even taking into account variable component differences,
: : vary within just 2-3% of each other.
: : 我們設計的A9晶片根本是科技的尖端,你拿到的是世界上最棒的手機。
: : 無論你拿哪個型號或顏色,你都可以得到最棒的效能、卓越的電量、快樂的人生。
: : 最近很多人在幫我們做不同製成晶片的電力測試,喔,拜託,誰會那樣測。
: : 現實生活有誰會拿著手機24小時不斷的讓CPU滿載阿。根本一點也不現實。
: : 在一般日常使用下,電力只會差2~3%啦。
: : Apple says that early battery benchmark tests conducted by customers,
: : such as those weshared yesterday, are not reflective of real world usage
: : conditions. The two to three percent difference that Apple has seen in data
: : gathered from customers is "well within its manufacturing tolerances" and is a
: : level of variation that could be seen between two devices with the same chip.
: : Apple's statement on real world usage reflects what recent YouTube tests have
: : revealed. Side-by-side battery tests comparing a TSMC iPhone and a Samsung
: : iPhone did not show differences as dramatic as benchmark tests have shown,
: : but those videos are also not quite indicative of real world usage results. On the
: : MacRumors forums, opinions on battery life have been highly mixed. While some
: : users with Samsung chips have reported poor battery life, others have not
: : reported issues.
: : 這兩段只是做總結,基本上跟前面說的差不多,懶得翻了。
: : 總之,蘋果承認兩種晶片有差異,但認為這只是公差的正常值。
: : 不要噓我QQ,我只是在等官網開賣無聊,轉貼新聞不是在護航。
: :