[越獄] GSMagic預計於6/10釋出新越獄工具

作者: Scaroftears   2016-06-02 09:52:31
資料來源: GSMagic越獄團隊的推特
The greek team GSMagic that works on a public Jailbreak tool for iOS 9.3.3
asked us(the website mods) to publicize the following message from them!
Message from GSMagic: Because we don't want people to be tortured on whether
the Jailbreak will be released or not, we set as Friday 10th of June 2016 the
deadline for the release of our tool. If we cannot do it until then, our
project called Ibycus just as GSMagic will be postponed for life. We kindly
ask you to do not worry about what will follow and live your life happily.
The only thing we want to do is to give you this tool! We will not publicize
this bug and we will not give it to any exploiter or any Security firm ever.
The People need actions not theories. Is tired from all this scene as we are.
GSMagic as soon as will succeed to create a stable tool will release it right
away without saying to wait for another possible ios update! We believe that
the people should be free to update or stay to whichever version they want
to, that's why we try to make the Jailbreak compatible with every existing
version of iOS. GSMagic was created in 2000 and from the start till this day
its members are loyal and have not participated in any other team whatsoever.
Right now the members of the team are 5! Regarding Argonautis blog: GSMagic
loves argonautis blogspot cause it was and will always be their place to hang
around. There was no personal contact between GSMagic and Argonautis
blogspot. The creator of Argonautis(Giwrgos) along with the mods of the blog
do not have any consequence for our actions! Only we have!!
Not acquired and does not sell to anyone except serve the world if you need
us. All that interests us mainly is to give a version that works 100% without
problems in the world otherwise we fail and leave the scene. Thank you and
always will help the Argonaytis and amazing JailBreak Community !!!
Our warm greetings GSMagic Team .....
作者: linchiai (chiai)   2016-06-02 09:56:00
作者: sixf0ld (coldrain)   2016-06-02 09:57:00
作者: broken0808 (DoDo)   2016-06-02 09:58:00
作者: knmtou (1)   2016-06-02 10:04:00
作者: zh2013 (zh)   2016-06-02 10:05:00
作者: knmtou (1)   2016-06-02 10:05:00
作者: tornado1621 (Addio)   2016-06-02 10:06:00
作者: libra1014 (Rain)   2016-06-02 10:10:00
如果9.3.3 那時還沒出,先推出工具不就等於白送漏洞
作者: FantasyArc (D調梵仔)   2016-06-02 10:29:00
趕快除來啊 8.2等升9.3
作者: necsynx (necsynx)   2016-06-02 10:34:00
i0n1c說他提交漏洞了 所以不一定...搞不好就是提交可以JB的漏洞qwertyoruiopz之前還說530要放工具結果只是屁
作者: niokei (信仰...)   2016-06-02 10:45:00
作者: llikelove (晨)   2016-06-02 10:48:00
作者: mos888tw (none)   2016-06-02 10:53:00
作者: love740120 (克羅)   2016-06-02 10:54:00
作者: Taichun318 (淡藍色的雙魚)   2016-06-02 11:02:00
不期不待 不ㄙ。受傷害+1不期不待不受傷害 +1 @@
作者: youkisushe (65454)   2016-06-02 11:08:00
我在想說 到10月從6換7都還沒有JB 真的沒辦法了 手機合約要到了 到時候會不會jb機反而比較高價啊@@
作者: hoos891405 (我也許把你忘記)   2016-06-02 11:11:00
作者: FantasyArc (D調梵仔)   2016-06-02 11:23:00
作者: abelyi100 (abelyi100)   2016-06-02 11:35:00
不期不待不受傷害 +1
作者: cheermin (客體錯誤)   2016-06-02 11:48:00
作者: ray49907209 (YO YO YO)   2016-06-02 11:59:00
不期不待 不受傷害
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2016-06-02 12:10:00
要金主給錢而已 現在中國那邊的金主不傻了 就沒人放了 想當初還不少人跟酸老共浪費漏洞 結果現在他們都不要花錢當棒槌還是沒有人要放漏洞出來越獄XD我相信他們一定有漏洞在手 但某日期之後就無限期延後的策略太明顯了 看看有沒有棒槌願意給錢吧
作者: hsudione (無心之過)   2016-06-02 12:29:00
不期不待 不受傷害 +1
作者: paul4047 (Monsieur)   2016-06-02 13:05:00
作者: niokei (信仰...)   2016-06-02 13:07:00
作者: FESTUM (邪影)   2016-06-02 13:19:00
人家本來就不是做慈善的 沒人給錢幹嗎做白工
作者: yeeoo (尼豪)   2016-06-02 13:21:00
作者: t0117682 (Nesir)   2016-06-02 13:31:00
8.4 路過...期待9.3.3 JB
作者: skyviva (天空藍)   2016-06-02 14:14:00
作者: zy116pj (子瑜好可愛)   2016-06-02 14:29:00
幹我停在9.2就是等jb 到現在屁都沒有
作者: xie532 (景美路人甲)   2016-06-02 14:44:00
作者: kouta (Kk)   2016-06-02 14:56:00
算了吧 會推就會直接推出 不會預告
作者: s1s1 (胖鳥)   2016-06-02 15:06:00
繼續用我的8.4,不期不待 不受傷害
作者: mos888tw (none)   2016-06-02 15:06:00
都多久沒得越獄了 每次都要依賴別人釋出不如接受現況
作者: YukiPhoenix (雪鳳)   2016-06-02 16:15:00
釋出了再發新聞稿好嗎 我預計後天發布越獄套件 沒有就無限期延後 誰都會
作者: dennistsao (愛陰斯坦)   2016-06-02 16:18:00
作者: k820209 (ㄎㄎ)   2016-06-02 16:41:00
作者: PTTBo (施柏)   2016-06-02 17:39:00
作者: lovegem (lovegem~~)   2016-06-02 18:52:00
作者: zxcv85463 (小鬼1234)   2016-06-02 18:58:00
至少還值得期待 不像Luca只會出來刷存在感
作者: love740120 (克羅)   2016-06-02 19:00:00
作者: AirbusA350 (空中巴士A350XWB)   2016-06-02 20:15:00
為啥我才9.3.2 OAO
作者: java76803 (Giotto)   2016-06-02 21:36:00
作者: kouta (Kk)   2016-06-03 03:18:00
作者: arex (arex)   2016-06-03 04:45:00
9.1jb+1 呼呼
作者: jiashian (夢想)   2016-06-03 13:54:00
8.4 路過
作者: vaper (風雨飄搖的世代)   2016-06-03 15:06:00
作者: nashmvp ( )   2016-06-03 16:59:00

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