※ 引述《Lest ()》之銘言:
: class A {
: {
: System.out.println("123");
: }
: public A(){
: System.out.println("345");
: }
: }
: 請問一下JAVA高手,我學過的JAVA Class內只能包含建構子、方法及變數
: 那為何我的Class A又可以存在一個大括號。
: 當我new A(); 會顯示如下:
: 123
: 345
: 為何大括號的123會執行呢????
Normally, you would put code to initialize
an instance variable in a constructor.
There are two alternatives to using a constructor to
initialize instance variables: initializer blocks and final methods.
Initializer blocks for instance variables look just like static initializer
blocks, but without the static keyword:
// whatever code is needed for initialization goes here
The Java compiler copies initializer blocks into every constructor.
Therefore, this approach can be used to share a block of code between
multiple constructors.
一般來說你應該把初始化一個變數成員的行為放在 constructor,
但還是有其他兩個方法可以應用,其中一個就是你提到的這個初始化 block。
它會把這個 {} 裡面的程式碼放進每個建構子裡面,