【公司名稱】 Virtual Joy Interactive co., ltd.
【工作職缺】 UI/ UX 設計師
- Cooperate with product manager, and assist in defining product functions
and needs.
- Equip with ability in solving complicated operational problems, and be able
to come up with new simplified methods.
- Understand the principle of user-centered design.
- Experience and record details of interaction, guarantee the QA quality on
specification of visual design and implemented products, and keep tracking
the optimization continuously.
- Be experienced in UX / UI designer or interactive designer on product,
network, and process of mobile terminal.
- Make decision about design (information architecture, wireframes, user
testing, etc) by UX research strategies and frameworks.
- Have basic knowledge on compatibility of Web browser, and improve the visual
effect of the site.
- Be experienced in UI, and confident in enhancing user experiences.
- Familiar with Flow Chart / Wireframe / Prototyping / Usability Test /
User Research / Interaction Design / User Interview.
- Familiar with PS / AI / Sketch / InVision / Zeplin.
- Familiar with HTML5, CSS3, Sass, and popular web UI frameworks.
- Familiar with micro animation design with After Effects / Principle.
- Passionate about all things related to UI and other areas of design and
【工作地點】 台北市敦化南路一段一號
【工作時間】 每日8小時
【月休】 週休二日
※沒有填寫月休及排班制度 或月休過低將會被刪文。
年終獎金 (到職滿一年,未滿按比例計算)
三節禮金/禮品 (同上)
請勿寫勞健保 無勞健保是違法的
【薪資範圍】 50K - 80K以上
【需求人數】 1
【聯絡人/連絡方式】 Christie, [email protected]/*