oligogo ( )
2017-12-13 10:33:13job版禁止張貼違反「就業服務法」、「性別平等工作法」、「勞基法」與其他法律之文章
Natixis Taipei Branch
Fresh graduate with relevant internship experience
Support Equity Derivatives sales team
Prepare presentations related to the 7 pillars of ED
Interact with equity derivatives structurers to work on products developments
for sales
Interact with the equity derivatives marketing team to prepare product ideas
to the sales forces
Work on distribution agreement, terms-sheet, final terms and other legal
Liaise with trading and quant teams to keep on improving pricing quality
Mandarin and English are mandatory/TOIEC 800
Well structured, organized and systematic
Solid analytical skills
Very good understanding of pricing & financial modeling
Excellent programming skills (C Sharpe / VBA)
Background in finance and stochastic calculus
Good interpersonal skills
Ability to cope with time pressure and work to deadlines
Ability to be a good team player
40 hrs a week
9:00 to 18:00
8 days
40K NTD above
Please send the cv to [email protected]