牛郎跟織女 最快多少年會見面一次?
Please find the answer carefully , part of points will be given depending
on your calculation process. (30 points)
(If what we know is just the distance of each person from earth)
(And assume that the highest speed in university is 光年/year)
Cause' 牛郎星距離地球16光年
and 織女's 27光年
當兩個方向相同的condition下 相減取絕對值會有最小值
也就是 27-16 = 11 光年
If 牛郎 and 織女 take the speed of one 光年 per year , and travel
with opposite direction right foward each other , then we can
assume that , they will meet each other in 5.5 光年. <