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作者: DogEggz (DogEggz) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [新聞] 加國史上最大搶案! 楓糖竊盜集團今定罪
時間: Mon Nov 14 22:58:31 2016
1.媒體來源: CBC News
2.完整新聞標題: New Brunswick man found guilty in Quebec maple syrup heist
A New Brunswick man was found guilty Saturday of fraud and
trafficking stolen goods in connection with a maple syrup heist in Quebec.
Etienne Saint-Pierre of Kedgwick was one of four men accused in relation to
the theft of 9,500 barrels of maple syrup belonging to the Federation of
Quebec Maple Syrup Producers between August 2011 and July 2012 valued at
$18.7 million. In August 2012, it was discovered that maple syrup in a
St-Louis-de-Blandford, Que., warehouse had been replaced by water.
A Trois-Rivières jury also found the so-called ringleader, Richard Valliè
res, guilty of theft, fraud and trafficking stolen goods. And it found
Richard's father, Raymond Vallières, guilty of possession of stolen goods
and fraud with the intention to traffic.
A fourth accused — Jean Lord — was acquitted of possession of stolen goods
and fraud with intention to traffic.
The defense said it will appeal the verdicts.
A total of 26 people were arrested in relation to the heist. Some of the
charges were dropped while other people accused pleaded guilty.
Five others charged in the case are scheduled to stand trial in January.
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://goo.gl/O36klH
魁北克楓糖製造聯盟(Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers)
- 加拿大最大的搶案是搶楓糖,不意外
- 楓糖和起士凝乳是加拿大的國寶好嗎
- 他們是要怎麼把這麼多楓糖換成錢阿?? 在街上賣??
- 在加拿大把楓糖換成錢? 比讓女生拒絕我還簡單
- 我鄰居說他可以現在就以70%的價格買下100桶,用現金
- 才100桶? 他是啥? 美國人嗎?
- 不他有糖尿病
- 所以是美國人。
- 絕命毒師:加拿大 (Breaking Bad: 一個講販毒的美劇)
- 一個描述犯罪集團認真的偷楓糖和反追蹤的劇? 我想看
- 主角發現自己得癌症後獲得免費健保,全劇終 (此劇主角是因付不起醫藥費才販毒)
- 美國: 川普當選
英國: 脫離歐盟
紐西蘭: 大地震
澳洲: 大堡礁逐漸死亡
加拿大: 有人他媽的偷了楓糖
- 你可以笑,但是這在加拿大是很嚴重的事。