"這種事在我們家是不被接受的”Mom said.
"你不要給我搞這種玩意,聽到沒”Mom said.
"這社會有這種亂象就是因為有這種人”Mom said.
"這種感情都只是想騙錢而已”Mom said.
I never feel more unacceptable when I hear what she said those word.
How can I tell her, I, your daughter is into female.
I can only pretend that I'm as what call normal as people think.
The scar will always been there, the hurt, the unacceptable, the reject.
作者: pnt (BALANCE) 2019-09-21 22:08:00
只有不接受是真的,其他都是假的。 (照樣造句之我不是在帶壞小孩子)
作者: alexya14 (yyalice) 2019-09-21 23:53:00
作者: grassland123 (MONY) 2019-09-22 02:42:00
不接受就掰掰嘍 就像有些家庭生出智商非標準值的小孩 不接受的就是掰了她。人性就是如此; 就像國王沒了權力身邊的人會有人離開,接受人性不完美ok。不要牽扯太多孝順不孝順 ,這不是根本的問題
mumuchu (里優)
2019-09-22 11:29:00跟我遇到一樣的問題 加油吧!
作者: windows07 (抓癢養) 2019-09-22 13:15:00
作者: redcube 2019-09-22 15:40:00
A lot of us are pretending like you, deep inside thecloset. You are not alone.