mathcube (mahtcube)
2017-05-20 07:13:45My name is Fan, I'm 16 years old. There are many features about me but this is
one I would like to share.
I have been swimming competitively since third grade, when I joined th
e school swimming varsity team. We trained from six to nine every morning, wit
hout resting even during summer and winter vacation. Though the training was n
o where near comfortable as we constantly chased the timer, we certainly learn
ed much pushing our limits. Thanks to the training I can take more stress on a
nything, which is very helpful since i have chose to join the National Taiwan
University lifeguard training. Just a day
before the sign up date, I heard about the lifeguard training, thus I made a d
ecision that to do something to fill up my leisure time. In fact, i had been t
hinking to get a lifeguard certificate for a long time as it was quite cool to
go around saying I am lifeguard and have the capability to save one’s life.
Moreover, I have thought of being a hero by saving someone who was drowning. A
lmost two weeks into the training, it had been easy and sometimes even time wa
sting. Nevertheless, i couldn’t deny
that i had learnt just a bit more technique and skills to increase survival ra
te of myself and others. Just one advice: the time spent on “lecturing” afte
r class session ended (9:30) shouldn’t exist at all because both the coach an
d students should respect each other by being on time. It is very possible to
count it as part of the training hours.
Although I regret starting the training for a lifeguard due to waste o
f time. I will still make it till the end at least for the certificate. Hope t
hat one day those abilities we spent so much time perfecting would help us in
some particular situation.