I'm sorry I can't type Chinese characters here..
but I really want to remind you of something important
The way your wife is treating your mother is affected greatly by
your attitude towards your mother.
In other words, if you can show the significance of your mother to you,
your wife will change her attitude
because she loves you and doesn't want to hurt your feelings if she
thinks your mother is important to you.
Simply put, if you respect your mother, your wife will (in most cases).
I love my husband so that I respect my parents-in-law even when they
are wrong because I know my husband cherishes them very much.
Maybe it's a good idea for you to reflect on how you treat and look at
your own mother deep in your heart.
Good luck!
※ 引述《aTimWu (提姆)》之銘言:
: 我媽是住鄉下的老粗,我老婆是住桃園的比較現代的人
: 之前我知道她們兩互看不順眼,所以我把我媽送到鄉下去住
: 如今我媽因為有事上來住幾天,我上班的時候手機接不停
: 下班更是焦頭爛額,老婆正值懷孕,是家中的大老
: 問題是:我已經快崩潰啦。
: 我現在天天下班就是罵我媽
: 其實我罵的很心虛,因為對我媽來說根本不公平
: 就拿鎖門這件事,鄉下都是睡覺才鎖門的(甚至根本沒鎖,關起來而已)
: 桃園是出門鎖一次,還要帶key....不然會被鎖在門外
: 我媽都說:去轉角買東西,還要鎖門喔??(其實我也不鎖的)
: 阿巴威,有時候真的....覺得自己真的是不孝順啊
: 各位大老,有沒有辦法啊?? 還是把她們分開比較好喔。
作者: aTimWu 2006-12-05 16:31:00
jhchu (原來眼淚是止不住的~~)
2006-12-05 16:47:00推啊~~~~~大意就是說,你老婆的態度可能受到你對你媽媽的態度所影響多多尊重你媽媽,讓你老婆知道你媽媽對你很重要很重要或許你老婆對你媽媽的態度會有些許的改變
作者: splh 2006-12-05 18:53:00
作者: wenje 2006-12-05 19:06:00
emoon (阿寵)
2006-12-05 19:42:00推這篇 而且 你不會要你兒子女兒也不孝順奶奶、罵奶奶吧?
作者: eelru (如醬) 2006-12-05 19:55:00
Maite (nothing to say)
2006-12-06 02:34:00推~
ainnej 2006-12-07 15:26:00推~~如果你用罵的解決 你太太當然也有樣學樣嘍:P
作者: tureno 2006-12-11 17:04:00