jchang54 (jenniferchang54)
2018-02-28 14:55:52有需要的請私訊談價格,謝謝
Netter's人體解剖學圖譜 4th
Wheelers Dental anatomy,physiology and occlusion 9th
Ten Cate's口腔組織學:發育,構造與功能
Sturdevants Art and science of Operative Dentistry 5th
牙科材料學 牙醫師鍾國雄編著
咬合板治療 日毅 蕭裕源等編著
最新固定假牙贗復學 3rd
1. Essentials of dental radiography and radiology 4th
2. Oral radiology: principles and interpretation 6th White Pharoah著
Cohen's pathways of the pulp 10th
Oral and maxillofacial pathology 3rd
1. Carranza's Clinical periodontally 11th
2. Lindhe clinical periodontology and implant dentistry 5th