[無雷] 吹動大麥的風 片名典故

作者: cornElField (cornelfield)   2007-06-16 23:42:53
The Wind That Shakes The Barley
原來是 Robert Dwyer Joyce (1836-1883)所寫的一首愛爾蘭民謠
背景是1798年愛爾蘭對抗英國統治的革命 (受到美國與法國革命的影響)
一位來自Wexford (愛爾蘭最東南方)的年輕人
離開自己心愛的女孩 投入革命的行列
來自於當時的愛爾蘭革命軍 口袋中會攜帶大麥子 在行軍時當作糧食補充
革命持續數個月之後 奪走了大約15000~30000條人命
不久之後長出整片隨風搖曳的大麥 成了這些人們的墓碑
I sat within the valley green, I sat me with my true love
My sad heart strove the two between, the old love and the new love
The old for her, the new that made me think on Ireland dearly
While soft the wind blew down the glen and shook the golden barley
'Twas hard the woeful words to frame to break the ties that bound us
But harder still to bear the shame of foreign chains around us
And so I said, "The mountain glen I'll seek at morning early
And join the bold united men," while soft winds shake the barley
While sad I kissed away her tears, my fond arms round her flinging
A yeoman's shot burst on our ears from out the wildwood ringing
A bullet pierced my true love's side in life's young spring so early
And on my breast in blood she died while soft winds shook the barley
I bore her to some mountain stream, and many's the summer blossom
I placed with branches soft and green about her gore-stained bosom
I wept and kissed her clay-cold corpse then rushed o'er vale and valley
My vengeance on the foe to wreak while soft wind shook the barley
But blood for blood without remorse I've taken at Oulart Hollow
And laid my true love's clay cold corpse where I full soon may follow
As round her grave I wander drear, noon, night and morning early
With breaking heart when e'er I hear the wind that shakes the barley.
作者: yozi (yozi)   2007-06-16 23:49:00
作者: kkever (123)   2007-06-16 23:58:00
推~長知識 我愛這部片~謝謝!
作者: ventelp (生平最恨嘴砲人)   2007-06-17 01:07:00
作者: honny7410 (年光)   2007-06-17 01:16:00
作者: AStigma (為誰無盡寫江天)   2007-06-17 02:28:00
作者: Nilthoron (Hot Fuzz Rocks!)   2007-06-17 09:53:00
作者: Robert28 (Albert)   2007-06-17 10:34:00
作者: nosweating (不流汗)   2007-06-17 14:44:00
推 好哀傷
作者: CR007 (Hypernova)   2007-06-17 16:30:00
作者: beagle2001 (邁向財務自由之路)   2007-06-17 18:26:00
作者: fragileheart (fragileheart)   2007-06-17 23:10:00
推這部片...推席尼莫菲 ^^
作者: wpt01 (..)   2007-06-18 17:04:00
作者: Hng (神同學)   2007-06-19 02:22:00
作者: Queen1203   2007-06-19 04:01:00
作者: mauvais (我很邪惡)   2007-07-21 17:14:00
看電影版長知識! 推
作者: Sinchiest (超級Sinchi)   2007-07-26 11:33:00
Good 台灣加油!
作者: sky1987 (我要養可愛美少年啦>__<)   2007-07-30 14:24:00

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