Botti (Botti)
2013-04-18 01:14:47不確定是不是要這段
You know what you told me once?
I'll Aras Once a house
and we'll grow old together
Old fatty and I will argue
Maybe because you drank too much
Then we die.
And we will? nmormanta? i on a plain
And the whole world will forget
But we will be always together
※ 引述《Freedom555 (唸書唸書~)》之銘言:
: 防
: 雷
: 片中後段傑克跟茱莉亞在湖邊房子前
: 說了一段話有人記得完整台詞嗎?
: 大概是
: 在湖邊為你蓋了一間房子...... 一起變胖變老......那是一件很浪漫的事情
: 請問有人知道完整台詞嗎?
: 希望也可以徵到英文的
: 謝謝