第一個連結是Dane DeHaan所飾演的哈利奧斯朋
第二個連結是Jamie Foxx所飾演的Max Dillon(電光人)
Jamie Foxx所談論的介紹
"What you’ll see is that, for his whole life, no one is talking to him.
People have stolen his ideas at the big company. He’s a nobody. At a certain
point, Spider-Man bumps into him and says, ‘You’re my guy. You’re my ears
and eyes on the street.’ Then he says his name, [Max] and no one has ever
said [Max] Dillon’s name. He goes, 'Wow' and, when Spider-Man leaves, he
sort of thinks that, 'I am Spider-Man’s partner!' He’s cutting out
Spider-Man’s face and pasting it on all his boards..."