最近剛報導小勞勃道尼還在跟Marvel討論回到復仇者2&3 但是不包括鋼鐵人4
而且鋼鐵人3目前也讓他賺了3500萬鎂 但是演出復仇者的其他演員們收入根本不能比
事實上 其他演員大部分只拿到20萬鎂的片酬 比演出其他電影收入相比差的遠
儘管早已簽約 但是克里斯漢斯沃本來不想回來演索爾2
他演出公主與狩獵者拿到了500萬鎂的片酬 Marvel給的片酬遠不及那數字
Marvel一向為人所知很摳 也可任意取代不願意接受的演員
事實上已經威脅要另找他人取代克里斯漢斯沃 但他們不想在這時機點換掉小勞勃道尼
看起來小勞勃正用這點來威脅不續演東尼史塔克4 以幫其他復仇者成員爭取提高待遇
Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson May NOT Return for "The Avengers 2"
We just reported that Robert Downey Jr is in talks with Marvel to return for
"The Avengers 2" and "The Avengers 3." But the actor isn't even discussing
"Iron Man 4," and we may now know why.
Downey earned somewhere between $50 million and $80 million on "The
Avengers," and has already earned over $35 million for his work on "Iron Man
3," but his "The Avengers" co-stars aren't making anything close to that. In
fact, most of the actors are being paid around $200,000, far less than they
would earn on any other movie.
Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth received only a $500,000 pay increase for
returning for the "Captain America" and "Thor" sequels. And unlike Downey,
the actors will earn only $500,000 more if their movies break the $500
million mark at the box office.
Despite having a contract, Hemsworth considered backing out of "Thor 2,"
because he earned $5 million working on "Snow White and the Huntsman" and
Marvel isn't offering anywhere near that, despite the fact that "Thor" and
"The Avengers" are massive franchises. Scarlett Johansson is also fed up and
isn't willing to take a pay-cut to return for "The Avengers 2."
Marvel is known for low salaries and replacing any actor who doesn't accept
the company's way of doing business. In fact, the studio has already
threatened to replace Hemsworth. But Marvel doesn't want to replace Downey at
this point and it seems that the actor is using that leverage to fight for
his co-stars by threatening not to return for "Iron Man 4" and possibly any
other Marvel film unless they all get appropriate pay raises.
Read more: http://www.worstpreviews.com/headline.php?id=28308#ixzz2Si7xutdD