※ 引述《SolarisGreen (SY)》之銘言:
找了一下出處 導演與編劇的訪談應該是分開的
Obviously there’s a big history of Kaiju movies, but also there’s a lot of
ancillary media with giant monsters and giant robots. And the two that I
think I felt an influence from – and tell me if I’m wrong, tell me if I’m
just projecting here – was “Neon Genesis: Evangelion,” especially with the
episode where they had to be in synch to defeat the Angel…
訪談者提問說是不是受到福音戰士的影響 尤其是他們必須同步對抗使徒的那一話[註]
Travis Beacham:
I don’t know if I saw that one. I haven’t seen all of the
series, and I’ve only seen the first two of the…
編劇回答:我不確定是否看過那段劇情 我沒看過全部系列
The new movies.(訪問者接著回答)
Travis Beacham:
Yeah. I think tonally it’s definitely an influence,...(接續下面文章)
: 故事/編劇 Travic Beacham
: I think tonally it’s definitely an influence, because really what blew me
: away the first time I saw “Evangelion” was it treated this genre, this sort
: of silly genre – or a genre that could be sort of silly, and could be
: outlandish and cartoonish – and treated it with a real sophistication. Which
: I really liked. I think what I identified less with in “Evangelion” was the
: sort of apocalypticism of it, and kind of a surrender to human neuroses or
: whatever…
: 他認為EVA的調性肯定有影響到電影,讓他非常佩服的就是EVA用非常嚴謹深度的手法去
: 對待這種有點蠢、光怪陸離又很卡通的類型(機器人對巨大怪獸)
: 比較不同的是環太平洋沒有那些末世宗教論及心理疾病
: Oh yeah, definitely. I think as a kid, Voltron was definitely a favorite of
: mine. Then, I really like Big O. I like the Gunbuster and Diebuster series. I
: really like Evangelion and Escaflowne. I can think of so many. It's sort of
: like a personal kind of technology. It's really like my primal being in a
: weird way.
: 他說小時候他喜歡百獸王聖戰士,之後喜歡BIG-O、鋼巴斯達1&2、福音戰士和聖天空戰記
: ...等等。
I've got to ask — are you an Evangelion fan? (提問)
請問導演你是EVA粉嗎? (國外記者也是EVA廚?)
"That's one of the four animes I've never seen...."
生活習慣與想法 以順利合作對抗使徒