wintek2 (edw)
2013-11-23 11:02:00認真的回 :
電影沒拍出來的是 : 最後杜立德飛行員一行人從中國沿海 .
一路逃往內陸的四川重慶搭飛機回美國 .
沿路中國游擊隊幫忙掩護運送這批飛行員 .
日本人氣炸了 , 展開大掃蕩 .
所有協助過飛行員,飛行員經過的村落都遭屠村 .
即使遠遠看過飛行員一眼的村民也都遭屠殺 .
最終因為杜立德這行人被殺的中國人最少在 1/4 百萬以上 .
The Japanese military began the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Campaign to intimidate the Chinese from helping the American airmen. All airfields within a range of some 20,000 square miles (50,000 km2) in the areas where the Raiders had landed were torn up.[28] Germ warfare was used and atrocities committed, and those found with American items were shot. The Japanese killed an estimated 250,000 Chinese civilians during their search for Doolittle's men.[29][30]
※ 引述《p468 (dns)》之銘言:
: 相信大家對珍珠港這部老片都不陌生,想請問有大大很仔細的研究珍珠港這部片裡所使用的各種武器和戰艦有哪些嗎???