ifthereis (ifthereis)
2013-12-13 20:44:22https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0cstJdV16Q
Films in order of appearance:
00:00:21 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty白日夢冒險王
00:06:00 The Internship實習大叔
00:06:12 The Conjuring厲陰宅
00:07:01 Kill Your Darlings愛殺達令
00:08:00 Disconnect疏離世界
00:08:13 Don Jon超急情聖
00:09:04 The English Teacher琳老師卡好
00:09:20 Struck By Lightning命中雷霆
00:10:09 Mood Indigo泡沫人生
00:11:00 The Immigrant浮世傷痕
00:12:04 InAPPropriate Comedy不良喜劇
00:12:23 Riddick超世紀戰警:闇黑對決
00:13:14 The Great Gatsby大亨小傳
00:14:11 Upside Down顛倒世界
00:15:09 The Book Thief偷書賊
00:17:00 Oblivion遺落戰境
00:17:19 The English Teacher琳老師卡好
00:17:22 Oz The Great and Powerful奧茲大帝
00:19:11 Gravity地心引力
00:20:05 The Grandmaster一代宗師
00:21:03 Escape From Tomorrow逃離明天
00:21:19 Renoir印象雷諾瓦
00:22:16 Monsters University怪獸大學
00:23:07 Warm Bodies殭屍哪有這麼帥
00:25:04 Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2 食破天驚2
00:26:01 Violet & Daisy 紫羅蘭與黛西
00:26:22 It Boy
00:27:18 Dallas Buyers Club藥命俱樂部
00:28:12 The Family黑幫追殺令
00:31:02 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty白日夢冒險王
00:33:08 Runner Runner逆轉王牌
00:35:06 Trance索命記憶
00:36:19 Kill Your Darlings愛殺達令
00:37:22 Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters波西傑克森:妖魔之海
00:39:19 The Croods古魯家族
00:41:20 Ender’s Game戰爭遊戲
00:43:09 Saving Mr. Banks大夢想家
00:44:15 Gravity地心引力
00:45:08 Riddick超世紀戰警:闇黑對決
00:46:14 Runner Runner逆轉王牌
00:47:09 Mud 泥土
00:48:01 All Is Lost海上求生記
00:48:12 Walking With Dinosaurs 與恐龍冒險
00:49:03 Oz The Great and Powerful奧茲大帝
00:49:15 The Wolverine金鋼狼:武士之戰
00:50:07 Ender’s Game戰爭遊戲
00:51:08 Heli毒粉風暴
00:51:20 Rush決戰終點線
00:52:07 John Dies at the End最後約翰死了
00:52:14 The Grandmaster一代宗師
00:52:22 Kill Your Darlings愛殺達令
00:53:06 Upstream Color逆流色彩
00:53:23 The Lone Ranger獨行俠
00:55:00 Despicable Me 2 神偷奶爸2
00:56:13 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 飢餓遊戲2:星火燎原
00:57:01 Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy? 高個子男人快樂嗎?
00:57:18 He’s Way More Famous Than You
00:58:13 Rush決戰終點線
00:59:00 42 傳奇42號
00:59:10 Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues 銀幕大角頭2
01:00:01 The Hangover Part III 醉後大丈夫3
01:00:18 Iron Man 3 鋼鐵人3
01:01:14 The Wolf of Wall Street華爾街之狼
01:02:00 Don Jon超急情聖
01:02:18 Thor: The Dark World雷神索爾2:黑暗世界
01:03:19 Fast & Furious 6 玩命關頭6
01:04:14 Oz The Great and Powerful奧茲大帝
01:05:09 Emperor日落真相
01:05:19 The Bling Ring星光大盜
01:07:18 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 飢餓遊戲2:星火燎原
01:08:17 Grudge Match 進擊的大佬
01:09:16 Jack the Giant Slayer 傑克:巨人戰紀
01:10:12 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 哈比人:荒谷惡龍
01:12:00 World War Z 末日之戰
01:12:15 Hammer of the Gods 眾神之鎚
01:13:16 Prince Avalanche無路用之王
01:14:14 Only God Forgives罪無可赦
01:15:16 Fists of Legend 傳說的拳頭
01:15:22 Out of the Furnace 逃出鎔爐
01:16:09 Free Birds 火雞反擊戰
01:17:14 Kick-Ass 2 特攻聯盟2
01:19:04 Thor: The Dark World 雷神索爾2:黑暗世界
01:21:09 The Way Way Back 陽光冏男孩
01:21:23 Red 2 超危險特工2:狠戰
01:22:12 The Internship 實習大叔
01:22:18 Much Ado About Nothing 無事生非
01:23:01 The World’s End 醉後末日
01:23:12 The Heat 麻辣嬌鋒
01:27:12 Oz The Great and Powerful 奧茲大帝
01:29:11 The Conjuring 厲陰宅
01:30:12 Getaway 死路十條
01:31:08 Epic 森林戰士
01:32:14 The Host 宿主
01:34:05 Runner Runner 逆轉王牌
01:35:07 Now You See Me 出神入化
01:35:22 The Smurfs 2 藍色小精靈2
01:36:15 Pain & Gain 不勞而禍
01:38:00 American Hustle 瞞天大佈局
01:38:14 Oblivion 遺落戰境
01:39:02 Upstream Color 逆流色彩
01:39:20 The Big Wedding 婚禮大聯矇
01:40:11 The Iceman 急凍殺手
01:41:03 Jack the Giant Slayer 傑克:巨人戰紀
01:41:22 To The Wonder 愛‧穹蒼
01:42:17 Insidious: Chapter 2 陰兒房第2章:陰魂守舍
01:43:06 Scary Movie 5 驚聲尖笑5
01:44:05 Lords of Salem
01:44:20 Copperhead 大蟒蛇:趕盡殺絕
01:45:14 Hammer of the Gods 眾神之鎚
01:46:17 Byzantium 血染拜占庭
01:47:15 Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters 女巫獵人
01:48:08 Now You See Me 出神入化
01:49:05 The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones 天使聖物:骸骨之城
01:50:04 A Haunted House 鬼屋電影
01:50:20 Texas Chainsaw 3D 德州電鋸殺人狂3D
01:51:18 Charlie Countryman 這該死的愛
01:52:08 Evil Dead 屍變
01:52:23 The Conjuring 厲陰宅
01:54:07 Diana 黛安娜
01:54:21 The Wolverine 金鋼狼:武士之戰
01:55:11 Paranoia 決勝機密
01:56:04 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 哈比人:荒谷惡龍
01:56:22 Iron Man 3 鋼鐵人3
01:57:20 Krrish 3 奇魔俠3
01:58:15 The World’s End 醉後末日
01:59:03 The Last Exorcism Part II 最後大法師2:驅靈
02:00:00 G.I. Joe: Retaliation 特種部隊2:正面對決
02:00:20 Riddick 超世紀戰警:闇黑對決
02:01:06 100 Bloody Acres 屍骨化肥
02:01:20 Riddick 超世紀戰警:闇黑對決
02:02:12 Carrie 魔女嘉莉
02:02:23 Escape Plan 鋼鐵墳墓
02:03:17 Metallica Through the Never 音樂不死
02:04:17 The Host 宿主
02:05:11 Out of the Furnace 逃出鎔爐
02:06:07 Filth 下流刑警
02:07:02 Short Term 12 她和她的小鬼們
02:07:22 I’m In Love With A Church Girl
02:08:12 The Wolf of Wall Street 華爾街之狼
02:09:02 Spring Breakers 放浪青春
02:09:17 LUV
02:10:10 Gangster Squad 風雲男人幫
02:10:21 Lovelace A片女神深喉嚨
02:11:13 Justin Bieber’s Believe
02:12:05 I, Me aur Main 傻瓜愛情
02:13:00 American Hustle 瞞天大佈局
02:13:12 Much Ado About Nothing 無事生非
02:13:22 Kiss of the Damned 詛咒之吻
02:14:17 The Canyons 大峽谷
02:15:19 The Counselor 玩命法則
02:16:08 Filth 下流刑警
02:17:07 The Wolf of Wall Street 華爾街之狼
02:17:14 Side Effects 藥命關係
02:18:01 2 Guns 2槍斃命
02:18:16 This Is The End 大明星世界末日
02:19:07 Blue Jasmine 藍色茉莉
02:20:00 Kill Your Darlings 愛殺達令
02:20:09 Oldboy 原罪犯
02:21:10 12 Years A Slave 自由之心
02:21:20 Gangster Squad 風雲男人幫
02:22:13 Stuck In Love 困在愛中
02:23:20 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone 名魔生死鬥
02:24:15 Welcome to the Punch 重擊戒備
02:25:11 At Any Price 玩命代價
02:26:01 Passion 激情
02:26:19 Simon Killer 殺手西蒙
02:27:11 Nymphomaniac 性愛成癮的女人
02:28:02 Black Rock 黑色搖滾
02:28:11 Snitch 限時翻供
02:29:01 Adore 愛,墮落
02:29:13 The Butler 白宮管家
02:29:20 Plush 浪蕩性世代
02:30:03 The Look of Love 性愛大亨
02:30:09 The Call 絕命連線
02:30:15 V/H/S/2 致命錄影帶2
02:30:22 Pain & Gain 不勞而禍
02:31:06 Aftershock 劫後餘生
02:31:14 This Is The End 大明星世界末日
02:32:07 12 Years A Slave 自由之心
02:32:16 A Touch of Sin 天註定
02:33:02 Crave
02:33:16 The Berlin File 柏林諜變
02:34:13 Riddick 超世紀戰警:闇黑對決
02:35:03 Commitment 同窗生
02:35:18 Riddick 超世紀戰警:闇黑對決
02:36:04 Now You See Me 出神入化
02:37:01 Riddick 超世紀戰警:闇黑對決
02:37:09 Killing Season 復仇人獵人
02:37:20 Dirty Wars 骯髒戰爭
02:38:06 47 Ronin 浪人47
02:38:19 Elysium 極樂世界
02:39:05 Escape Plan 鋼鐵墳墓
02:39:12 Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela
02:39:19 The Last Stand 重擊防線
02:40:06 Bullet to the Head 頭號目標
02:40:17 From Up On Poppy Hill 來自紅花坂
02:41:05 Despicable Me 2 神偷奶爸2
02:41:21 Ender’s Game 戰爭遊戲
02:42:14 Battle of the Year 世界Battle
02:43:05 The Wind Rises 風起
02:43:20 Carrie 魔女嘉莉
02:44:05 The Last Stand 重擊防線
02:44:19 Star Trek Into Darkness 闇黑無界:星際爭霸戰
02:45:07 Kick-Ass 2 特攻聯盟2
02:45:21 Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons 西遊:降魔篇
02:46:06 Les Profs 噗嚨共鮮師
02:46:17 Krrish 3
02:47:04 Iron Man 3 鋼鐵人3
02:47:22 Now You See Me 出神入化
02:48:11 The Wolf of Wall Street 華爾街之狼
02:49:02 Oz The Great and Powerful 奧茲大帝
02:50:03 Epic 森林戰士
02:50:18 Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters 波西傑克森:妖魔之海
02:51:12 Red 2 超危險特工2:狠戰
02:52:00 Race 2 生死競賽2
02:52:19 Arthur Newman 亞瑟紐曼
02:53:05 Escape From Planet Earth 地球人壞壞
02:53:21 We’re The Millers 全家就是米家
02:54:10 Bhaag Milkha Bhaag 生命的衝刺
02:54:21 A Good Day To Die Hard 終極警探:跨國救援
02:55:08 Beautiful Creatures 美麗魔物
02:55:18 Pacific Rim 環太平洋
02:56:05 Gangster Squad 風雲男人幫
02:56:19 John Dies at the End 最後約翰死了
02:57:06 The Lone Ranger 獨行俠
02:57:23 Dead Man Down 死者的復仇
02:58:10 Thor The Dark World 雷神索爾2:黑暗世界
02:58:22 R.I.P.D.降魔戰警
02:59:14 Pacific Rim 環太平洋
03:00:01 Lone Survivor 紅翼行動
03:00:11 Fast & Furious 6 玩命關頭6
03:01:03 Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters 波西傑克森:妖魔之海
03:01:21 Prince Avalanche 無路用之王
03:02:14 The Way Way Back 陽光囧男孩
03:03:05 G.I. Joe: Retaliation 特種部隊2:正面對決
03:04:12 Machete Kills 絕煞刀鋒2
03:04:23 Planes 飛機總動員
03:05:12 Safe Haven 愛情避風港
03:06:00 Getaway 死路十條
03:06:17 Carrie 魔女嘉莉
03:07:13 Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters 女巫獵人
03:08:06 Jack The Giant Slayer 傑克:巨人戰紀
03:09:01 Stalingrad
03:09:23 Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2 食破天驚2
03:10:10 Swerve
03:11:11 Olympus Has Fallen 全面攻佔:倒數救援
03:11:21 The Lone Ranger 獨行俠
03:12:21 The Last Days On Mars 星際禁區
03:13:06 Turbo 渦輪方程式
03:13:23 A Journey to Planet Sanity
03:14:16 Captain Phillips 怒海劫
03:15:10 Parker 偷天派克
03:16:01 Nymphomaniac 性愛成癮的女人
03:17:11 Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters 女巫獵人
03:17:22 In The Name Of 以慾望之名
03:22:17 Dead Man Down 死者的復仇
03:23:12 Fast & Furious 6 玩命關頭6
03:24:05 Race 2
03:24:14 The Lone Ranger 獨行俠
03:25:03 Rush 決戰終點線
03:25:12 22 Bullets 索命22顆子彈
03:25:20 Ilo Ilo 爸媽不在家
03:26:07 Walking WIth Dinosaurs
03:26:22 Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
03:30:09 The Grandmaster 一代宗師
03:32:07 Last Love 摩根先生的第二春
03:34:07 Iron Man 3
03:36:00 Stand Up Guys 王牌雙賊
03:36:22 Out of the Furnace
03:38:09 Prisoners 私法爭鋒
03:40:00 The East 叛諜迷情
03:40:23 Salinger 賽林格
03:42:06 Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom 曼德拉:漫漫自由路
03:44:02 Fruitvale Station 奧斯卡的一天
03:45:17 After Earth 地球過後
03:48:01 The Attacks of 26/11 11.26孟買恐怖襲擊事件
03:49:21 Mama 母侵
03:52:06 American Dreams in China 海闊天空
03:53:08 Labor Day 一日一生
03:54:08 Short Term 12 她和她的小鬼們
03:55:06 Man of Steel 超人:鋼鐵英雄
03:57:09 Bridegroom 再見,我的新郎
03:58:20 Big Sur 浪蕩世代2
04:00:18 Broken City 驚爆危城
04:01:19 Hello Herman 何曼你好
04:03:01 Inside Llewyn Davis 醉鄉民謠
04:03:18 The Iceman 急凍殺手
04:05:03 The Butler 白宮管家
04:05:17 A Dark Truth 黑暗真相
04:06:06 The Book Thief 偷書賊
04:06:19 12 Years A Slave 自由之心
04:07:23 The Book Thief 偷書賊
04:09:21 How I Live Now 我的生存之道
04:10:18 The Railway Man 桂河血軌
04:11:20 12 Years A Slave 自由之心
04:13:00 Frozen 冰雪奇緣
04:13:19 Bhaag Milkha Bhaag 生命的衝刺
04:14:12 Hello Herman
04:15:08 Greetings from Tim Buckley
04:16:06 Evil Dead 屍變
04:17:02 Warm Bodies 殭屍哪有這麼帥
04:19:00 Elysium 極樂世界
04:19:20 The Host 宿主
04:20:05 Mysteries of the Unseen World
04:21:03 Closed Circuit 全面鎖定
04:21:13 Epic
04:22:03 Snowpiercer 末日列車
04:22:22 Phantom 幻影計劃
04:23:13 Elysium
04:24:21 The Butler
04:25:20 Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
04:26:06 Prisoners
04:26:21 Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
04:29:02 Broken City
04:29:14 Love and Honor 愛情逃兵
04:30:06 Prisoners
04:30:19 Man of Steel
04:31:09 God Loves Uganda 上帝之愛烏干達
04:31:21 Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
04:32:18 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
04:33:08 The Fifth Estate 危機解密
04:34:05 World War Z
04:35:07 To the Wonder 愛‧穹蒼
04:37:04 Great Expectations 遠大前程
04:38:03 Philomena 遲來的守護者
04:38:22 Heli
04:39:17 White House Down 白宮末日
04:40:05 G.I. Joe: Retaliation
04:41:04 Gangster Squad
04:41:19 Man of Steel
04:43:07 Star Trek Into Darkness
04:44:07 Thor 2: The Dark World
04:46:08 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
04:50:07 Dark Skies 夜凶
04:50:22 Pacific Rim
04:51:13 White House Down
04:52:05 World War Z
04:53:00 Iron Man 3
04:54:14 Ain’t Them Bodies Saints 險路謎情
04:55:17 Mother of George
04:56:15 Romeo & Juliet
04:57:06 Geography Club
04:58:02 Paradise
04:58:16 Java Heat 爪哇火線
05:00:01 Lone Survivor
05:00:22 Gravity
05:02:04 The Past 咎愛
05:03:16 Don Jon
05:04:07 Upside Down
05:05:07 Like Father Like Son 我的意外爸爸
05:06:07 Before Midnight 愛在午夜希臘時
05:07:05 You’re Next 你是下一個
05:08:08 Delivery Man 百萬精先生
05:10:16 Her 雲端情人
05:12:22 Krrish 3
05:14:05 God Loves Uganda
05:15:16 Love and Honor
05:16:13 A River Changes Course
05:17:04 Blood Brother
05:18:00 Gangster Squad
05:18:20 Monuments Men 大尋寶家
05:20:00 The Invisible Woman 看不見的女人
05:21:00 The Book Thief
05:23:03 Frozen
05:23:20 Struck By Lightning
05:26:19 The Great Beauty
05:31:01 Struck By Lightning
05:33:00 John Dies at the End
05:33:17 The Heat
05:34:08 Wrong 神祕小狗失蹤事件
05:35:08 Into The Mind
05:36:06 A Good Day to Die Hard
05:37:00 Ain’t Them Bodies Saints
05:37:14 Reaching for the Moon 璀璨詩篇
05:38:01 The Broken Circle Breakdown 愛的餘燼
05:38:10 Stoker 慾謀
05:38:21 La Camioneta
05:39:07 Afternoon Delight 午後樂事
05:39:18 Last Vegas 賭城大丈夫
05:40:05 Homefront 最後防線
05:40:15 Grown Ups 2 亞當等大人2
05:41:01 The Spectacular Now 戀夏進行式
05:41:11 Young and Beautiful 美麗.誘惑
05:41:21 The Purge 國定殺戮日
05:42:08 The To-Do List 大學生做了沒
05:42:18 Spring Breakers
05:43:05 21 and Over 醉後大學生
05:43:16 The Brass Teapot 黃銅茶壺
05:44:13 Olympus Has Fallen
05:45:00 A.C.O.D.成年單親孩子
05:45:10 About Time 真愛每一天
05:45:20 To The Wonder
05:46:06 I Give It A Year 一年之癢
05:46:16 Best Man Down
05:47:01 Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor
05:47:12 Sunlight Jr.
05:47:22 Short Term 12
05:48:10 The Look of Love
05:48:19 Enough Said
05:49:04 Nebraska 內布拉斯加
05:51:00 Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa
05:54:07 Gravity
05:55:03 Sound City
05:55:19 The Great Gatsby
05:56:17 Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani
05:57:15 One Direction: This Is Us 1世代:我們的世代
05:58:12 I’m So Excited 飛常性奮
05:59:14 The Best Man Holiday 伴郎假期
06:00:05 Chennai Express 寶萊塢愛情特快車
06:01:01 A Madea Christmas 黑瘋婆娘的聖誕節
06:01:13 In A World…
06:02:05 Monsters University
06:02:20 Frances Ha 紐約哈哈哈
06:03:18 Justin Bieber’s Believe
06:04:03 American Hustle
06:04:14 To The Wonder
06:05:08 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
06:05:20 The Crash Reel
06:06:08 The Croods 古魯家族
06:07:16 Big Sur
06:08:02 Blood Brother
06:08:20 The Place Beyond The Pines 末路車神
06:09:12 The Kings of Summer 夏日之王
06:10:06 Identity Thief 竊資達人
06:13:18 Bless Me Ultima
06:14:11 Girl Most Likely 衰女日記
06:15:16 Hours 搏命關頭
06:16:10 August: Osage County 八月心風暴
06:17:02 Trance 索命記憶
06:17:20 Parkland 關鍵目擊
06:18:08 Jobs 賈伯斯
06:18:19 The Armstrong Lie 阿姆斯壯的謊言
06:19:04 Salinger
06:19:12 Grace Unplugged
06:19:20 Linsanity 林書豪旋瘋
06:20:06 Home Run
06:20:16 Baggage Claim
06:21:01 Tiger Eyes
06:21:09 So Young 致我們終將逝去的青春
06:21:20 Cutie and the Boxer
06:22:06 American Promise 美好前程
06:22:16 Fast & Furious 6
06:23:11 12-12-12
06:24:20 Twice Born 摯愛永恆
06:25:13 Fast & Furious 6
06:26:03 Peeples 皮爾普斯一家
06:26:18 Movie 43 激愛543
06:27:05 Some Girls
06:27:17 Gloria
06:28:10 Jobs
06:29:00 Saving Mr. Banks
06:30:10 Short Term 12
06:31:00 These Birds Walk
06:32:17 Miracle in Cell No. 7 7號房的禮物
06:32:13 C.O.G. 神的孩子奇遇記
06:33:15 It’s A Disaster
06:34:10 Drinking Buddies 酒肉朋友
06:35:04 This Is Martin Bonner
06:35:21 Blue Is The Warmest Color 藍色是最溫暖的顏色
06:36:12 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone
06:37:10 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
06:38:07 Admission 愛情招生處
06:38:18 Crystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus and 2012
06:39:07 Cutie and the Boxer
06:39:18 In The Name Of
06:40:06 Inequality For All 去他的公平正義
06:40:15 This Is The End
06:41:01 Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues
06:41:11 A Glimpse Into The Mind of Charles Swann III
06:41:21 What Maisie Knew 梅西的世界
06:43:06 Mood Indigo
06:44:12 Black Nativity
06:45:01 The Wind Rises
06:45:23 Man of Steel
06:46:17 Into The Mind