Idina Menzel has made history on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
The singer's rise into the top 10 with "Let It Go" makes her the first person
with both a top 10 hit and a Tony Award for acting.
Menzel's Oscar-winning "Let It Go" (from the film "Frozen") jumps 17-9 on the
Hot 100 dated March 22. Its ascension comes in the wake of the tune's
performance by Menzel on the Academy Awards (March 2).
1. Idina創造了告示排 100熱門單曲的歷史紀錄
2. 由於獲得奧斯卡獎 本週 Let it go 在100單曲榜進入前十 這使得
Idina 成為有史以來 第一位榮獲美國百老匯舞台劇最高榮譽東尼獎的最佳演員
又同時有單曲進入 告示牌 前十