fact (fact)
2014-05-05 00:30:39Avengers: Age of Ultron: Will New ‘Hulk’ Movie Follow Avengers 2?
Following “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” a new Hulk movie will follow,
according to reports.
Lou Ferrigno, who played the original “Hulk,” said this week that Marvel is
planning another film.
“Now because [Hulk] saved the day [in the first ‘Avengers’] they’re
making another solo Hulk movie after the second Avengers comes out,” he
said, according to Latino Review.
It was also reported that Andy Serkis, who performed as Gollum in “Lord of
the Rings,” was enlisted for motion capturing.
Mark Ruffalo, via Twitter, revealed that “I have been working with the great
@andyserkis on the big green boy and he is going to be even better then A1.”
復仇者聯盟2後 另一部Solo Hulk浩克電影已被Marvel列入計畫中
馬克魯法洛透露要和Andy Serkis合作