Pacific Rim 2 And Godzilla 2: Crossover Movie Rumors Inbound; Is Legendary
Pictures Really Doing A Crossover Film For The Two Franchises?
With the Godzilla 2014 sequel being confirmed and the Godzilla 2014 box
office results have been excellent. It seems that Legendary Pictures is
reportedly reconsidering their stance on keeping the Pacific Rim and Godzilla
2014 reboot franchise separate and that Pacific Rim 2 could be the set up for
the Godzilla 2014 and Pacific Rim crossover!
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Previously, Legendary Pictures has admitted that the Godzilla and Pacific Rim
franchise would be separate from one another but that isn't the case anymore
if the reports are to be believed.
The Movie News Hound has reported that due to success of the Godzilla 2014
movie and the resounding positive fan reactions to the Pacific Rim 2
announcement, Legendary Pictures has been planning on doing a crossover of
the two franchises after the Godzilla 2 and Pacific Rim 2 movies end.