※ 引述《hlsu3a82k7 (OnyourFace)》之銘言:
: 想問一下台詞
: 覺得當時看了感動很有感覺
: 就是 布蘭德 跟 庫柏為了選擇第二顆星球
: 在爭論愛情那邊
: 有說到 愛情的力量那段
: 有人能提供嗎?
Yes. And that make me want to follow my heart. But maybe we've spend too long
trying to figure all this with theory-
(You're a scientist, Brand.)
So listen to me when I tell you that love isn't something that we invented.
It's observable, powerful. it has to mean someting.
(It means social utility, child rearing, social bonding-)
We love people who've died, where's the social utility in that?
Maybe it means something more—something we can't yet understand.
Maybe it's some evidence, some artifact of higher dimensions that we can't
consciously perceive.
I'm drawn across the universe to someone I haven't seen for a decade,
who I know is probably dead.
Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of
time and space.
Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it yet.