seashel (Mr.鼻血)
2015-04-14 09:43:51※ [本文轉錄自 SuperHeroes 看板 #1LB65yNE ]
作者: seashel (Oliver Queen) 看板: SuperHeroes
標題: [情報] Michelle MacLaren離開WONDER WOMAN團隊
時間: Tue Apr 14 08:38:11 2015
Well, this sucks. Fans were overjoyed when Michelle MacLaren (Game Of
Thrones, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad) signed on to helm Warner Bros.'
Wonder Woman, but now THR reports that she has decided to leave the projects.
The studio gave the following statement: "Given creative differences, Warner
Bros. and Michelle MacLaren have decided not to move forward with plans to
develop and direct Wonder Woman together." We found out earlier that Marvel
is most likely seeking a female director for Captain Marvel... could DC's
loss be that studio's gain? No word on whether this will affect the film's
2017 release date or not, but we'll update if and when any more information
becomes available.
大概的意思就是Michelle MacLaren決定離開這個團隊