Universal finds pirated copy of Jurassic World seeded from its own servers
Universal Pictures in France has been seeding a pirated copy of its latest
blockbuster Jurassic World from its own servers.
The Chris Pratt-featuring reinvention of Steve Spielberg’s 1993 action
spectacular that revolutionised visual effects, has been riding high in the
box office top 10, but has also seen high levels of piracy.
Universal filed a takedown notice with Google on 15 July under the US Digital
Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), as spotted by the Register, demanding that
the search engine block links to several sites allegedly hosting or linking
to pirated copies of Jurassic World.
Among the block requests was a link to “”. The
Internet Protocol address “” is typically reserved to describe the
“localhost” or machine on which a program or user is operating. This
indicates the pirated copy of the movie was being hosted within Universal’s
own computer network.
Movie studios and publishers typically use automated programs that search for
unlicensed copyrighted works, in this case a movie. The program likely found
a file being linked to from outside Universal’s network on its own
computers, meaning that Universal was seeding pirated copies of its own movie.
Universal is no stranger to odd takedown requests. The movie studio also sent
takedown notices to Google to request that the Internet Movie Database page
listing its film Fast & Furious 7 be removed from Google’s index despite it
hosting no infringing content.