2015 印第安納電影記者協會(Indiana Film Journalists Association) 得獎名單
最佳影片 Best Film:
Winner: "驚爆焦點 Spotlight"
Runner-up: "不存在的房間 Room"
Other Finalists (listed alphabetically):
"安諾瑪麗莎 Anomalisa"
"大賣空 The Big Short"
"因為愛你 Carol"
"寂寞公路 The End of the Tour"
"瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道 Mad Max: Fury Road"
"絕地救援 The Martian"
"史帝夫賈伯斯 Steve Jobs"
"衝出康普頓 Straight Outta Compton"
最佳動畫片 Best Animated Feature:
Winner: "安諾瑪麗莎 Anomalisa"
Runner-up:"腦筋急轉彎 Inside Out"
最佳外語片 Best Foreign Language Film:
Winner: "索爾之子 Son of Saul"
Runner-up:"晚安媽咪 Goodnight Mommy"
最佳紀錄片 Best Documentary:
Winner:"艾美懷絲 Amy"
Runner-up:"攀登梅魯峰 Meru"
最佳原著劇本 Best Original Screenplay:
Winner: Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer, "驚爆焦點 Spotlight"
Runner-up: Matt Charman, Joel & Ethan Coen, "間諜橋 Bridge of Spies"
最佳改編劇本 Best Adapted Screenplay:
Winner: Emma Donoghue, "不存在的房間 Room"
Runner-up: Adam McKay and Charles Randolph, "大賣空 The Big Short"
最佳導演 Best Director:
Winner: George Miller, "瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道 Mad Max: Fury Road"
Runner-up: Tom McCarthy, "驚爆焦點 Spotlight"
最佳男主角 Best Actor:
Winner: Jacob Tremblay, "不存在的房間 Room"
Runner-up: Jason Segel, "寂寞公路 The End of the Tour"
最佳女主角 Best Actress:
Winner: Brie Larson, "不存在的房間 Room"
Runner-up: Charlotte Rampling, "45年 45 Years"
最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor:
Winner: Mark Ruffalo, "驚爆焦點 Spotlight"
Runner-up: Idris Elba, "無境之獸 Beasts of No Nation"
最佳女配角 Best Supporting Actress:
Winner: Greta Gerwig, "紐約新鮮人 Mistress America"
Runner-up: Elizabeth Banks, "搖滾愛重生 Love & Mercy"
Best Vocal/Motion-Capture Performance:
Winner: Phyllis Smith, "腦筋急轉彎 Inside Out"
Runner-up: Tom Noonan, "安諾瑪麗莎 Anomalisa"
最佳音樂性配樂 Best Musical Score:
Winner: Junkie XL, "瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道 Mad Max: Fury Road"
Runner-up: Disasterpeace, "靈病 It Follows"
原創視野獎 Original Vision Award:
Winner: "安諾瑪麗莎 Anomalisa"
Runner-up: "芝拉克 Chi-Raq"
The Hoosier Award:
Winner: Angelo Pizzo, writer/director/producer