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2016-01-18 09:40:11第36屆 倫敦評論家協會電影獎(London Critics' Circle Film Awards)得獎名單
年度影片 Film of the Year:
“艾美懷絲 Amy”
“因為愛你 Carol”
“45年 45 Years”
“腦筋急轉彎 Inside Out”
“沈默一瞬 The Look of Silence”
“瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道 Mad Max: Fury Road”
“絕地救援 The Martian”
“神鬼獵人 The Revenant”
“不存在的房間 Room”
“驚爆焦點 Spotlight”
年度英國/愛爾蘭影片 British/Irish Film of the Year:
“艾美懷絲 Amy”
“愛在他鄉 Brooklyn”
“45年 45 Years”
“單身動物園 The Lobster”
“倫敦路 London Road”
年度外語片 Foreign Language Film of the Year:
“巴黎電幻世代 Eden”
“上帝為難 Hard to Be a God”
“沈默一瞬 The Look of Silence”
“輝耀姬物語 The Tale of the Princess Kaguya”
“過於寂靜的喧囂 The Tribe”
年度紀錄片 Documentary of the Year:
“艾美懷絲 Amy”
“撥開迷霧:山達基信仰之牢籠 Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief”
“沈默一瞬 The Look of Silence”
“A Syrian Love Story”
年度導演 Director of the Year:
Todd Haynes, “因為愛你 Carol”
Andrew Haigh, “45年 45 Years”
George Miller, “瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道 Mad Max: Fury Road”
Ridley Scott, “絕地救援 The Martian”
Alejandro G. Inarritu, “神鬼獵人 The Revenant”
年度女主角 Actress of the Year:
Cate Blanchett, “因為愛你 Carol”
Brie Larson, “不存在的房間 Room”
Rooney Mara, “因為愛你 Carol”
Charlotte Rampling, “45年 45 Years”
Saoirse Ronan, “愛在他鄉 Brooklyn”
年度男主角 Actor of the Year:
Tom Courtenay, “45年 45 Years”
Paul Dano, “搖滾愛重生 Love and Mercy”
Leonardo DiCaprio, “神鬼獵人 The Revenant”
Michael Fassbender, “史帝夫賈伯斯 Steve Jobs”
Tom Hardy, “金牌黑幫 Legend”
年度女配角 Supporting Actress of the Year:
Olivia Colman, “單身動物園 The Lobster”
Kristen Stewart, “星光雲寂 Clouds of Sils Maria”
Tilda Swinton, “姐姐愛最大 Trainwreck”
Alicia Vikander, “機械姬/人造意識 Ex Machina”
Kate Winslet, “史帝夫賈伯斯 Steve Jobs”
年度男配角 Supporting Actor of the Year:
Benicio Del Toro, “怒火邊界 Sicario”
Tom Hardy, “神鬼獵人 The Revenant”
Oscar Isaac, “機械姬/人造意識 Ex Machina”
Michael Keaton, “驚爆焦點 Spotlight”
Mark Rylance, “間諜橋 Bridge of Spies”
年度英國/愛爾蘭女演員 British/Irish Actress of the Year:
Emily Blunt, “Sicario”
Carey Mulligan, “Suffragette” and “Far From the Madding Crowd”
Charlotte Rampling, “45 Years” and “The Forbidden Room”
Saoirse Ronan, “Brooklyn” and “Lost River”
Kate Winslet, “Steve Jobs,” “The Dressmaker” and “A Little Chaos”
年度英國/愛爾蘭男演員 British/Irish Actor of the Year:
Michael Caine, “Youth” and “Kingsman: The Secret Service”
Idris Elba, “Beasts of No Nation” and “Second Coming”
Colin Farrell, “The Lobster” and “Miss Julie”
Michael Fassbender, “Steve Jobs,” “Macbeth” and “Slow West”
Tom Hardy, “Legend,” “The Revenant,” “Mad Max: Fury Road” and “London
年度電影編劇 Screenwriter of the Year:
Nick Hornby, “愛在他鄉 Brooklyn”
Phyllis Nagy, “因為愛你 Carol”
Emma Donoghue, “不存在的房間 Room”
Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer, “驚爆焦點 Spotlight”
Aaron Sorkin, “史帝夫賈伯斯 Steve Jobs”
突破英國/愛爾蘭電影創作者 Breakthrough British/Irish Filmmaker:
Alex Garland (writer-director), “Ex Machina”
Tom Browne (writer-director), “Radiator”
Emma Donoghue (screenwriter), “Room”
Mark Burton and Richard Starzak (writer-directors), “Shaun the Sheep Movie”
John Maclean (writer-director), “Slow West”
年度年輕英國/愛爾蘭演員 Young British/Irish Performer of the Year:
Asa Butterfield, “X + Y”
Milo Parker, “Mr. Holmes” and “Robot Overlords”
Florence Pugh, “The Falling”
Liam Walpole, “The Goob”
Maisie Williams, “The Falling”
技術成就獎 Technical Achievement Award:
Carter Burwell (music), “Carol”
Edward Lachman (cinematography), “Carol”
Sandy Powell (costume design), “Cinderella”
Andrew Whitehurst (visual effects), “Ex Machina”
Alastair Sirkett and Markus Stemler (sound design), “Macbeth”
Colin Gibson (production design), “Mad Max: Fury Road”
John Seale (cinematography), “Mad Max: Fury Road”
Wade Eastwood (stunt coordination), “Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation”
Tom Ozanich (sound design), “Sicario”
Elliott Graham (editing), “Steve Jobs”
年度英國/愛爾蘭短片 British/Irish Short Film of the Year:
“Directed by Tweedie,” Duncan Cowles
“Leidi,” Simon Mesa Soto
“Over,” Jorn Threlfall
“Rate Me,” Fyzal Boulifa
“Stutterer,” Benjamin Cleary
戴里斯鮑爾電影貢獻獎 Dilys Powell Award for Excellence in Film:
肯尼斯布萊納 Kenneth Branagh