OscarJeff (è—術與城市)
2017-01-22 13:16:09《雪地裡的擁抱》電影特映會
"Snowy Road" Hsinchu Special Screening
時間 Time/
2017/01/22(日) 15:00
地點 Venue/
江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街13號至15號間小巷內/近城隍廟)
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & 15, Jiang Shan St.,
Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple)
票價 Ticket/
主辦單位 Oraganized by/
江山藝改所 Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo
合辦單位 Co-organized by/
佳映娛樂 Joint Entertainment/想映電影院Joint Movies
關於影片 About The Film/
●《雪地裡的擁抱 Snowy Road》
★【臺灣國際女性影展Women Make Waves Taiwan】閉幕片
【以愛撫平 跨越半世紀的傷痕記憶】
Jong-bun, in her eighties, is one of the last surviving ‘Comfort Women’
victims forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese Army during World War II.
Back in 1944, at the end of the Japanese occupation in Korea, Jong-bun was a
poor but energetic girl while Young- ae was the smart rich clerk’s daughter.
One day, Jong-bun gets abducted and finds herself on a train for Manchuria.
To her surprise, she also finds Young-ae on the train facing the same fate to
become a comfort woman. Jong-bun and Young-ae help each other go through the
living hell and as the war comes to an end, they finally escape from the
comfort women camp, only to face two different paths of life. Decades later,
Jong-bun helps out a teenaged girl who is disoriented in life, reminded of
her own painful past.
預告片 Trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHeYuySkc4A