最爛影片 Worst Picture:
蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
阿公歐買尬 Dirty Grandpa
荷魯斯之眼:王者爭霸 Gods of Egypt
希拉蕊的美國:揭露民主黨 Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the
Democratic Party
ID4星際重生 Independence Day: Resurgence
名模大間諜2 Zoolander No. 2
最爛導演 Worst Director:
Dinesh D'Souza and Bruce Schooley, Hillary's America: The Secret History of
the Democratic Party
Roland Emmerich, Independence Day: Resurgence
Tyler Perry, BOO! A Medea Halloween(梅迪亞萬聖節)
Alex Proyas, Gods of Egypt
Zack Snyder, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Ben Stiller, Zoolander No. 2
最爛男主角 Worst Actor:
Ben Affleck, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Gerard Butler, Gods of Egypt & London Has Fallen(荷魯斯之眼:王者爭霸/
Henry Cavill, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Robert De Niro, Dirty Grandpa
Dinesh D'Souza (as himself), Hillary's America: The Secret History of the
Democratic Party
Ben Stiller, Zoolander No. 2
最爛女主角 Worst Actress:
Megan Fox, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows(忍者龜:破影而出)
Tyler Perry, BOO! A Medea Halloween
Julia Roberts, Mother's Day (幸福百分百)
Becky Turner (as Hillary Clinton), Hillary's America: The Secret History of
the Democratic Party
Naomi Watts, Divergent Series: Allegiant & Shut-In (分歧者3:赤誠者/育陰房)
Shailene Woodley, Divergent Series: Allegiant (分歧者3:赤誠者)
最爛男配角 Worst Supporting Actor:
Nicolas Cage, Snowden(神鬼駭客:史諾登)
Johnny Depp, Alice Through the Looking Glass(魔境夢遊:時光怪客)
Will Ferrell, Zoolander No. 2
Jesse Eisenberg, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Jared Leto, Suicide Squad(自殺突擊隊)
Owen Wilson, Zoolander No. 2
最爛女配角 Worst Supporting Actress:
Julianne Hough, Dirty Grandpa
Kate Hudson, Mother's Day
Aubrey Plaza, Dirty Grandpa
Jane Seymour, Fifty Shades of Black (格雷的五十道黑影)
Sela Ward, Independence Day: Resurgence
Kristen Wiig, Zoolander No. 2
最爛螢幕組合 Worst Screen Combo:
Ben Affleck & His BFF (Baddest Foe Forever) Henry Cavill, Batman v Superman:
Dawn of Justice
Any 2 Egyptian Gods or Mortals, Gods of Egypt
Johnny Depp & His Vomitously Vibrant Costume, Alice Through the Looking Glass
The Entire Cast of Once Respected Actors, Collateral Beauty (最美的安排)
Tyler Perry & That Same Old Worn Out Wig, BOO! A Medea Halloween
Ben Stiller and His BFF (Barely Funny Friend) Owen Wilson, Zoolander No. 2
最爛電影劇本 Worst Screenplay:
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Dirty Grandpa
Gods of Egypt
Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
Independence Day: Resurgence
Suicide Squad
最爛重拍、惡搞、續集電影 Worst Remake, Rip-off, or Sequel:
Alice Through the Looking Glass
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Dawn of Justice
Fifty Shades of Black
Independence Day: Resurgence
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
Zoolander No. 2