Box Office: 'Beauty And The Beast' Tops $400M Domestic And $900M Worldwide
Walt Disney's Beauty and the Beast has officially topped $400 million at the
North American box office with a $4.5m Tuesday gross on the same day it
passed $900m worldwide.
. Among the 22 films that have raced to $400m in North America during their
initial theatrical release, Beauty and the Beasts stands as the
sixth-fastest, between The Dark Knight (18 days) and Finding Dory (21 days).
The slowest climb remains Frozen, which took 155 days, well behind The Hunger
Games, which took 80 days.
美女與野獸自3月17日上映以來, 只用19天在北美就突破4億美金票房 , 歷史第六快
預計最後票房將超過5億美金 , 而全球累計已經達9億美金 ,
目前海外部份, 以中國的 8300萬美金暫時排第一 在中國上映的音樂劇電影票房一向
很低, 悲慘世界只賣了6000多萬, 所以美女與野獸也創了該地的音樂劇電影票房紀錄
一般預估英國最後將落在9500萬-1億美金之間, 歷史第6
p.s 而最後的大市場, 日本, 將在4月21日上映, 和柯南一起爭奪日本
黃金週票房 , 一般預估將會突破100億日元票房