榜首是比利懷德的經典-熱情如火Some Like It Hot
1.熱情如火Some Like It Hot (Billy Wilder, 1959)
2.奇愛博士Dr Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (Stanley
Kubrick, 1964)
3.安妮霍爾Annie Hall (Woody Allen, 1977)
4.今天暫時停止Groundhog Day (Harold Ramis, 1993)
5.鴨羹Duck Soup (Leo McCarey, 1933)
6.萬世魔星Life of Brian (Terry Jones, 1979)
7.空前絕後滿天飛Airplane! (Jim Abrahams, David Zucker and Jerry Zucker, 1980)
8.遊戲時間Playtime (Jacques Tati, 1967)
9.搖滾萬萬歲This Is Spinal Tap (Rob Reiner, 1984)
10.將軍號The General (Clyde Bruckman and Buster Keaton, 1926)
11.謀殺綠腳趾The Big Lebowski (Joel and Ethan Coen, 1998)
12.摩登時代Modern Times (Charlie Chaplin, 1936)
13.你逃我也逃To Be or Not To Be (Ernst Lubitsch, 1942)
14.小報妙冤家His Girl Friday (Howard Hawks, 1940)
15.聖杯傳奇Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones, 1975)
16.大獨裁者The Great Dictator (Charlie Chaplin, 1940)
17.育嬰奇譚Bringing Up Baby (Howard Hawks, 1938)
18.福爾摩斯二世Sherlock Jr (Buster Keaton, 1924)
19.淑女夏娃The Lady Eve (Preston Sturges, 1941)
20.閃亮的馬鞍Blazing Saddles (Mel Brooks, 1974)
21.城市之光City Lights (Charlie Chaplin, 1931)
22.新科學怪人Young Frankenstein (Mel Brooks, 1974)
23.狂歡宴The Party (Blake Edwards, 1968)
24.我與長指甲Withnail and I (Bruce Robinson, 1987)
25.淘金記The Gold Rush (Charlie Chaplin, 1925)
TOP 25 評語
1.城市之光City Lights-Charlie Chaplin
2.開羅紫玫瑰The Purple Rose of Cairo-Woody Allen
3.熱情如火Some Like It Hot-Billy Wilder
4.我的舅舅Mon Oncle-Jacques Tati
5.一夜風流It Happened One Night-Frank Capra
7.西遊記之仙履奇緣Chinese Odyssey Part Two-劉鎮偉
8.小太陽的願望Little Miss Sunshine-Jonathan Dayton,Valerie Faris
9.將軍號The General-Clyde Bruckman and Buster Keaton
10.嚴密監視的列車Closely Watched Trains-Jiri Menzel
1.熱情如火Some Like It Hot-Billy Wilder
2.萬花嬉春Singin' in the Rain-Gene Kelly,Stanley Donen
3.城市之光City Lights-Charlie Chaplin
4.將軍號The General-Clyde Bruckman and Buster Keaton
5.安妮霍爾Annie Hall (Woody Allen
6.夏天的故事A Summer's Tale-Eric Rohmer
7.華府風雲Mr. Smith Goes to Washington-Frank Capra
8.百老匯上空子彈Bullets Over Broadway-Woody Allen
9.熱帶魚Tropical Fish-陳玉勳
10.少林足球Shaolin Soccer-周星馳