soaping (撿肥皂ing)
2017-12-24 18:25:56星戰第8集次週票房大跌77%,星戰史上最差
Source: Forbe
The Audience Strikes Back: 'Last Jedi's 77% Fri.-To-Fri. Plunge Is Worst Ever
For A Star Wars Pic
影迷大反擊: TLJ上映首週週五至第二週週五票房大跌77%為星戰史上最差
The box office numbers for the second Friday of Star Wars: The Last Jedi are
in and they paint a bleak picture for the Rian Johnson-directed sequel. Down
77 percent from its opening day last Friday, the picture continues to
distinguish itself as the worst holding film in the Star Wars franchise's
entire nine-film history.
From its opening day gross of $104.7 million, The Last Jedi cratered by a
full $80 million, taking in $24.6 million a week later, on its second Friday.
The biggest prior Friday-to-Friday decline was that of Rogue One: A Star Wars
story, at a comparatively robust 68 percent. The three previous films before
that, Episode VII: The Force Awakens, Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, all saw declines in the mid-50's percentage
range. Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Episode III: The Phantom Menace,
and Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, all saw far more modest declines in the
20-30 percent range, and the first film, Episode IV: A New Hope, actually
increased by nearly 80 percent in its second weekend as the franchise
exploded into being (hence the negative 79 percent "decline" shown on the
chart below. I should note also that I don't have access to daily box numbers
for episodes IV and V, so I substituted their full weekend numbers in the
A few quibbles about the comparisons between films are warranted, as some of the pictures—including The Last Jedi—have Thursday evening preview numbers included in their opening Friday results, making the second Friday a tough comp. And some of the other pictures opened on Wednesdays or Thursdays, so their first Friday-to-second Friday comparisons aren't quite apples-to-apples with The Last Jedi.
But even after adjusting for such differences, The Last Jedi still manages to live up to its title, sitting in last place as the Star Wars picture least capable of holding its audience. Or perhaps more pointedly, in failing to bring moviegoers back for multiple viewings. As Miles Bailey, a formerly fervent fan of the Star Wars films told me, “Disney shouldn’t bank on the hardcore, cosplay, convention crew like myself seeing this film 6, 7, 8, 9 times. Episode 8: The Last Jedi set out to kill
everything about episodes 1-7 and succeeded. I’m not excited by Solo or episode 9. Star Wars is done for me.”
但考量到這些條件上的差異進行調整後,TLJ票房仍為星戰史上跌幅最大,或許星戰鐵粉沒有二刷三刷才是主因,如同Miles Bailey這個星戰鐵粉告訴我的,迪士尼不應該寄望這些星戰鐵粉能6刷7刷8刷9刷,TLJ翻掉了1到7集所建立的世界觀,我對於Han Solo個人電影或第九集已不感興趣,星戰在我心中已死。
With reactions like that, Disney (NYSE:DIS) will need to re-think its strategy f