cumsubin (Daisuke)
2019-10-21 13:21:57凱文史密斯:史科西斯創作了最偉大的超英電影
"He's not wrong, but at the same time, neither are we for loving those movies.
And they are cinema," the Jay and Silent Bob creator says
"Martin Scorsese is a genius. But to be fair, my entire film career — even pr
ior to my film career — he's been pretty much saying the same thing about act
ion movies," Smith told THR outside the TCL Chinese Theatre.
Smith said Monday that Scorsese "practically invented cinema," so he's earned
the right to his opinion, but that there is a realization that has not occurre
d to the Taxi Driver director.
"For my money, I think Martin Scorsese made the biggest superhero movie ever,
which was The Last Temptation of Christ," Smith argued. "Don't get much bigger
of a superhero than Jesus. He beats Superman and [Robert] Downey [Jr.] every
time, so maybe Martin is bending on that territory."
Continued Smith, "My feeling is, Martin Scorsese never sat in a movie theater
with his dad and watched the movies of Steven Spielberg in the early '80s or G
eorge Lucas in the late '70s. He didn't feel that sense of magic and wonder."
「我的感覺是。」史密斯繼續說 「馬丁史柯西斯從未和父母在電影院觀賞史蒂芬史匹柏
For many fans, including Smith, comic book-based films are more than the story
on the screen; they are a time machine, he said.
"I can still step into one of those comic book movies, divorce myself of the f
act that I do this for a living, release, and my dead dad is back for a minute
, for two hours," he said. "And it's personal for a lot of the audience. You k
now, and we're not arguing whether or not it counts as cinema."
Smith reiterated he had no interest in locking horns with Scorsese over the de
finition of cinema, but he would argue the Goodfellas director seems to have b
linders on.
"I guarantee you there's something he enjoyed with his parents, like a musical
— I bet you some cats would say, 'A musical is not really cinema,' but Marti
n Scorsese grew up on musicals, and I bet they mean a lot to him," Smith said.
"These [Marvel] movies come from a core. They come from a happy childhood, an
d they're reflections of a happy childhood. He's not wrong, but at the same ti
me, neither are we for loving those movies. And they are cinema."
「我跟你保證他也有能和父母一起享受的事物,像是音樂劇— 而某個人會說『音樂劇才