watanmila (watanmila)
2020-03-18 21:41:05完整標題:COVID-19 cases in Singapore reach 313 with 47 new infections,
33 imported
發稿時間:18 Mar 2020 09:16PM
撰 稿 者:Ang Hwee Min
SINGAPORE: Singapore on Wednesday (Mar 18) reported 47 new COVID-19 cases,
taking the total in the country to 313.
This is the first time the number of infections in Singapore have passed the
300 mark, and is the highest number of confirmed daily cases reported so far.
Of the new cases, 33 are imported, and includes 30 returning Singapore
residents who were infected overseas and brought the infection to Singapore,
authorities said.
These imported cases comprise citizens, permanent residents and long term
pass holders.