[新聞] 新型冠狀病毒可在空氣中存活數小時

作者: bluwind1 (藍天的風)   2020-03-19 11:42:19
Coronavirus can persist in air for hours and on surfaces for days: study
發稿單位:路透社 英文版
發稿時間:March 18, 2020 / 3:41 AM / Updated 13 hours ago
撰 稿 者:Gene Emery
原文連結: https://reut.rs/2UhtOKK
(Reuters) - The highly contagious novel coronavirus that has
exploded into a global pandemic can remain viable and infectious
in droplets in the air for hours and on surfaces up to days,
according to a new study that should offer guidance to help people
avoid contracting the respiratory illness called COVID-19.
Scientists from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID), part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health,
attempted to mimic the virus deposited from an infected person
onto everyday surfaces in a household or hospital setting, such as
through coughing or touching objects.
They used a device to dispense an aerosol that duplicated the
microscopic droplets created in a cough or a sneeze.
The scientists then investigated how long the virus remained
infectious on these surfaces, according to the study that appeared
online in the New England Journal of Medicine on Tuesday - a day
in which U.S. COVID-19 cases surged past 5,200 and deaths
approached 100.
The tests show that when the virus is carried by the droplets
released when someone coughs or sneezes, it remains viable, or
able to still infect people, in aerosols for at least three hours.
On plastic and stainless steel, viable virus could be detected
after three days. On cardboard, the virus was not viable after 24
hours. On copper, it took 4 hours for the virus to become
In terms of half-life, the research team found that it takes about
66 minutes for half the virus particles to lose function if they
are in an aerosol droplet.
That means that after another hour and six minutes, three quarters
of the virus particles will be essentially inactivated but 25%
will still be viable.
The amount of viable virus at the end of the third hour will be
down to 12.5%, according to the research led by Neeltje van
Doremalen of the NIAID’s Montana facility at Rocky Mountain
On stainless steel, it takes 5 hours 38 minutes for half of the
virus particles to become inactive. On plastic, the half-life is 6
hours 49 minutes, researchers found.
On cardboard, the half-life was about three and a half hours, but
the researchers said there was a lot of variability in those
results “so we advise caution” interpreting that number.
The shortest survival time was on copper, where half the virus
became inactivated within 46 minutes.
對照 八卦板新聞 路透社 日文版
新型コロナ、空中で数時間生存 米研究所が警告
[17日 ロイター] - 米国立アレルギー感染症研究所(NIAID)は
美國過敏與傳染病研究所(NIAID)透露了一項新型冠狀病毒氣溶膠化的研究結果。 氣溶

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