各位好,小弟目前有想要購買XPS 13,但是在EBAY上看到同個賣家在賣不同機型 保固文字敘述如下: 機型1: Warranty: Dell Warranty Till September 2017 Premium Support with Onsite Service After Remote Diagnosis. 機型2: Warranty: Dell Warranty Till July 2017 Dell in-home service included. Dell warranty is International but service may vary in Each Country. Please contact Dell Service Center in your country to find out Warranty details. 請問這兩種保固都是可以轉移到台灣保固嗎? 另外想請教如果真的要買延長保是要請賣家幫忙處理嗎? 還是貨到台灣後再自行跟台灣原廠購買延長保? 謝謝~