Feric04 (wug)
2014-10-20 03:19:091.科目:IELTS speaking, TOEFL speaking, GEPT speaking, general conversation,
small talks, IELTS writing task 2, TOEFL question 2, SOP editing,
CV editing, English Grammar,
translation from English to Mandarin and the other way around
2.地點:On Skype
3.時間:6PM to 11PM in Taiwan Time Zone
-450 NTD per 50 mins, 700 NTD per 120 mins,
(lecture period and tuition fee are negotiable)
-150 NTD per essay editing
-A 40 mins lecture/practice session will be given to a potential student
for FREE
6.學歷:Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures,
National Taiwan University (2011 - 2014)
Tutor's Background:
-Male, Taiwanese, Non-Native Speaker of English, Speaking with American,
British, South African accents interchangeably,
Having four-year teaching experience
(If you’re looking for a native speaker, sorry, I cannot help you. But you may
reconsider when knowing advantages that a non-native holds:
1. Having experience of learning English effectively and efficiently as a
second language enables us to help another 2nd language learner.
2. The English we speak is not limited to a specific English-speaking country,
but communicable EVERYWHERE. )
-Speaker in University of Stellenbosch Debating Society (2014 - now)
-Courses Taken in University: Negotiation, Business Communication,
News English-Writing and Translating, Public Speaking and Debating,
Sight Translation, Consecutive Interpreting, Simultaneous Interpreting,
Professional Interpreting, Interpreting of Financial and Economic Issues,
Practical English Teaching for Children
IELTS: L:7 R:7.5 W:6.5 S:7 (2013)
TOEIC: 860 (2011)
-Working Experience:
SDI Media Taiwan - Translator (English to Chinese) (2013 - now)
Taida Education Institute - Adjunct English Editor (2013 - now)
Taida Education Institute - Teaching Assistant (2010 - 2014)
-Teaching Experience: four-year teaching experience, at least 20 students,
from teenagers to adults
-Ways of Teaching:
It’s open to discussion in accordance with tutees’ needs, but most of the
teaching material would be sourced from the BBC and ABC
(Australian Broadcasting Corporation),
or sometimes SABC (South African Broadcasting Corporation).
Each tutee will be asked to preview the content of a new lecture/practice
The tutor will, according to the tutee’s level, ask the tutee to either
summarise or paraphrase the content. Also, the tutor will encourage each tutee
to speak more, helping them construct their talk, or even extend their argument.
The tutor’s compassion for teaching and patience will let any tutee learn
at ease.