shpu (pu)
2016-11-19 15:12:44Working Date:2016/11/20 (one day work only)
Work Shift:Not Applicable
Working Hour:Around 1 hr
Break Time︰None
No Meal Offered
Salary: NTD 1000/hr (on-site cash)
Work Location : Taipei SongJiang Nangjin Station
Requirement: Male under 25, American, British, Canaidan or Australian
Work detail: We are working on a video project for a advertising contest. The theme is to promote the Taiwan's sightseeing. We already have the script and will need you to help take a 30 sec video, record 3min voice over and couple photo shoot. It's about to take you an hour.
If interested, please contact through my email:
Ashley Hsieh
[email protected]/*
wassabi (哇)
2016-11-19 15:16:00為什麼限男
hsuzzzzz (Hsu2381)
2016-11-19 16:13:00Bye
poloyabi (藍染接班人2.0)
2016-11-19 16:21:00捅大了